8 Tips On Caring For Your Pet Dog

It doesn’t matter whether you have owned dogs all of your life or just recently added a puppy to your household; learning new care tips is always beneficial. You might know a few things about caring for your dog, but it won’t hurt to add a few new tips to your list. Learning more ways to care for your dog makes you a better pet parent. Here are some suggestions for every avid dog lover that will help you better care for your dog.

Avoid overfeeding your dog; it’s not healthy

Overfeeding your dog will have a lot of negative impacts on their happiness and health. Over 50% of pet dogs are obese, and the number continues to go up in the United States. Dogs being overweight puts them at risk of health issues such as cardiovascular diseases and joint diseases. It becomes hard for them to do different activities since their mobility is affected. Feed them the amount recommended by the veterinarian.

Challenge them mentally

To stay happy and healthy, dogs frequently require mental stimulation, just like us humans. Always invest time in teaching them new tricks, getting a puzzle toy for them, and keeping them engaged as much as possible through playing games. A puzzle toy will help keep your dog engaged when you’re busy and can’t give them attention.

Be patient with your dog

When your dog is not picking up on different training techniques fast, it can be really frustrating. However, a lot of patience with them will encourage them to continue trying. If you feel too frustrated, don’t continue with the training. Don’t allow your dog to read your body language and notice you’re angry. Instead, consult your veterinarian or other professionals.

Applaud your pet every time they do well during potty training

It can get really hard potty training your dog. To make them do better, applaud your dog every time they successfully do what they’re supposed to do when outside. Being cheered will get them excited, and your dog will make it a habit to do their business when it’s potty time. Also, give them treats after they are done pooping or peeing, and potty training will be much easier.

Be cautious of winter salt and ice during winter

Your dog’s paw pads might burn or develop cracks due to both winter salt and ice. After taking them out, ensure you wipe their paws and make sure you prevent them from licking salt off the ground or on their paws. You can get dog booties to protect their paws if this is a problem affecting your dog. You can also get dog beds that are warm to ensure they’re protected from the cold.

Keep your pet cool during summer

Just like humans, dogs sweat as well. However, they sweat through their paw pads, and the only way they can relieve themselves from the heat is through panting. Ensure you give your dogs an outlet to cool off during the warmer months, such as a kiddie pool that’s filled with water or even ice. To prevent heat stroke, dehydration, or stress, monitor your dog closely and take them inside immediately if they pant excessively.

Don’t let your dog ride in the back of your truck

A large number of dogs die every year from riding in truck flatbeds. They might fall out or even die from being hit with debris. If you’re going to ride with your dog, then ensure you have it in the car with you. It’s much more ideal if you restrain them in some way. You can have your dog safely inside a carrier or crate if their size allows it, or you can purchase a seat belt attachment to buckle them to their harness. This will keep them safe. You can consult your veterinarian on safe ways to ride with it.

Walk your dog regularly

When you walk your dog frequently, it helps with their health and happiness as well. Some of the benefits linked to walking your dog regularly include: helps them maintain a healthier weight, gets rid of boredom, improving their digestive tract, plus it also helps with burning off excess energy that they may have. Another good thing about taking regular walks with them is, you’ll notice a decrease in chewing, barking, or digging a lot.   

Author’s Bio: Lisa Eclesworth is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. She loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email – lisa@lisaeclesworth.com or visit her website www.lisaeclesworth.com        

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