How to Wash a Motorcycle

In 2020, about 780,000 motorcycles were bought by Americans. Motorcycles are popular because they give you one of the most enjoyable rides you can imagine. From just getting around to going out on long road trips, a motorcycle lets you be the boss.

Yet, even those with the most beautiful and expensive bikes will wonder how often they need to wash their motorcycle. We all know nothing looks better than a freshly washed vehicle, but what is the right way to wash your bike?

In this article, we’ll give you our best motorcycle washing advice for keeping your bike in fantastic condition. To know how to wash a motorcycle, keep reading!

Prepare Your Cleaning Supplies

The best way to wash a motorcycle is to have everything you need to get the job done. Make sure to clear your schedule to handle the cleaning time. It will also ensure a more detailed job.

You will need mild soap, a soft sponge or cloth, and a hose with a spray attachment. You will also need a bucket, a brush, and some rags.

It’s best to use a microfiber cloth to wipe the body of your motorcycle. It can help you avoid causing any scratches when doing your cleaning, and it can also easily remove dirt. Microfiber cloths are mostly used when doing the finishing touches of your cleaning, like applying some wax.

There are also plenty of motorcycle cleaners to choose from. When choosing, make sure that they are designed for the type of cleaning you’re doing.

Have a Proper Work Area

Having all the necessary supplies within reach is important, and the area is well-lit. You should also ensure that the area is clear of any debris that could scratch or damage your motorcycle.

Before you begin, make sure that your motorcycle is not hot. Washing a motorcycle while the engine is hot can cause problems as the metal will expand. A quick shot of cold water may cause serious damage to the body of a hot motorcycle.

Furthermore, make sure to avoid washing under direct sunlight. It can cause the soap to dry faster, thus leaving streaks and water spots. It’s best to wash your motorcycle inside your garage or shed with a good amount of shade.

Plug Your Exhaust Holes

It will prevent water from getting into the engine and causing damage. To do this, you can use rubber plugs, tape, or putty to seal the holes.

Once the exhaust holes are plugged in, you can start washing the motorcycle.

Washing the Body

When you are ready to wash your motorcycle, gather two buckets, one for sudsy water and one for rinse water. Fill the sudsy bucket with water and add motorcycle wash soap. Fill the second bucket with plain water.

Start by rinsing the bike with cool water to remove loose dirt and debris. Pay special attention to the nooks and crannies where grime can build up.

Avoid using household soap or car shampoo when washing a motorcycle. These products are too harsh and can damage the finish on your motorcycle. 

Also, apply a motorcycle-specific soap or shampoo to a sponge or soft brush and scrub the bike down. Rinse the soap off completely and then dry the bike with a soft, clean cloth. If you have the time, give the motorcycle a once-over with a detailing spray or polish to make it shine.

Once the motorcycle is dry, apply a thin layer of protectant to all exposed metal surfaces. Allow the protectant to dry for the recommended time before using the motorcycle. It will help to protect the paint and keep the bike looking shiny.

When applying wax, know that different products will also have different instructions. Invest in a quality wax to have the best protection for the finish or paint of your bike. It can also help in keeping dirt and grime away.

Once you know the proper way to wash a motorcycle, make sure to check out a reputable motorbike shop London to find a quality motorcycle that will suit your needs! You can even ask them for expert advice for more washing tips!

Use Soapy Water for Aluminum Wheels

Many motorcycles today use lightweight aluminum wheels. Avoid using abrasive tools and cleaners as they can damage the finish of aluminum wheels. Soap and water are enough to remove dirt and grime stuck on them.

If you are using traditional chrome wheels, then a chrome cleaner will do the cleaning. Rinse them with water and wipe them with a dry cloth.

Don’t Forget to Lubricate Your Chain

Before you wash the chain, you need to lubricate it. It will help protect the chain from rust and corrosion.

To lubricate the chain, you must first remove any excess dirt and grime. Then, apply a generous amount of chain lube to the inside and outside of the chain. Be sure to wipe off any excess lube before you put the motorcycle back together.

It is also important to spray protectants on your bearings as they are one of the most delicate parts of your motorcycle. There is a dedicated protective spray that can help in keeping your bearings moist and clean.

To spray the protectant on your bearings, you will need to remove the wheels and spin the bearings in a clean rag soaked in the protectant. Be sure to get all sides of the bearings. It is important to allow the bearings to dry before reinstalling the wheels.

Learn How to Wash a Motorcycle Today

Washing your motorcycle is important to keep it looking good and running. It’s easy to do, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind on how to wash a motorcycle to get the best results.

Make sure to take your time to do a thorough job. Use the right cleaning products and techniques, and remember to rinse thoroughly. With a little elbow grease, your bike will look cleaner than ever.

Have you found what you’re looking for? If you need more tips and advice, check out the rest of our blog for other related topics!

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