5 Photoshop Tips for Beginners

The global photo editing app market will reach $402.37 million by 2030.

Photoshop may be the most popular photo editing tool in the world, but many people still don’t know how to use it. Becoming proficient in Photoshop can take a lot of work, but there are some things you can do to speed up your learning.

This photo editing guide will cover five Photoshop tips to help you develop your skills. Keep reading for more.

1. Learn the Shortcuts

One of the main issues many people have with Photoshop is that editing images can take a long time. Speeding up the process can be incredibly beneficial, and shortcuts are a great way to do that.

It can be tricky to learn these, but doing so can help you work much faster. Once you’ve spent some time practicing, these skills will become second nature, and your whole process will be faster.

When it comes to professional business photography, speed can be a vital element. Having a good grasp of Photoshop shortcuts will give you a significant edge.

2. Always Perform Destructive Edits on New Layers

When editing images, you might do things you later decide are a mistake. When performing destructive edits, your image will serve as the background, and any amendments will be over the top. You can then revert to the original image at any point.

If someone with serious photography skills took the photograph, this is crucial. Edits don’t always go to plan, so being able to revert to the original can be very helpful.

3. Save Your Files Correctly

Always save your most complex projects as PSD files. Doing this will preserve the layers, so if you want to make further edits later on, you can.

Note that PSD files can be considerable. If you have many of them, you’ll want to ensure you have plenty of storage space.

4. Practice Using Layer Masks

Layer masks allow you to hide a portion of a layer, which you can do to as many layers as needed. This makes it easy to edit specific areas, such as brightening a particular object or making a background transparent without changing the whole image.

It’s one of the most valuable tools Photoshop has to offer, so it’s well worth taking the time to learn how to do this.

5. Learn From Tutorial Videos

There’s a lot to learn when it comes to Photoshop. You can find plenty of content online that will teach you how to use its various features. If you want to improve your skills, one of the best ways to do so is by watching tutorial videos.

These can cover all of the basic and advanced editing tips. You can search for whatever you want to learn, and you’ll almost always be able to find a video that covers it.

Why Following Photoshop Tips Works

Learning Photoshop isn’t easy, but you can always find help online. These Photoshop tips will help you develop your skills and improve your capabilities to edit whatever you want.

For more technical articles, check out some of our other blog posts.

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