Multi-Factor Authentication in Salesforce

Personal data protection is an important tool to prevent fraudulent use of users’ information. It’s often difficult to protect your account, which is why account holders often change their passwords. Priority recommendations include the use of letters and numbers. However, this may not be enough.

Two-factor identification will allow you to protect confidential data and deny access to your account if necessary. Use the multi factor authorization and stop worrying about data security. The meaning of this modern protection method is as follows:

  • entering information to login to the account (password and login);
  • verification of the owner’s identity (sending a code to a phone or to an app);
  • gaining access to an account or blocking a user.

The main advantage is the ability to receive information about hacking attempts to improve protection and change the password. The owner’s device receives notifications about gaining access to the account, which means that the owner can control the launched authorization process. Learn more at advanced

App authenticator verification methods

Since the task of developers is reduced to enhancing protection, it is worth paying attention to available options. The system prompts you to select a suitable option to authenticate the specified information and take the necessary steps to complete the Salesforce authentication process.

There are several ways to protect your personal information, and each of them is popular:

  1. Mobile app from the platform. The gadget receives a notification about a login attempt, as well as the geolocation and performed actions. The owner can deny or allow access by pressing one button.
  2. Third party apps. Formation of random combinations allows you to improve the level of protection. The code comes to the specified mobile number or email. The validity period of the combination is limited, so after its expiration, the cipher will not work.
  3. Security key. This method doesn’t need an installed app authenticator. It is enough to insert the security key into the port and gain access to your account.

It won’t be difficult to choose a suitable method. Additionally, you will need to change the settings and protect your account from hacking.

How to enable two factor authentication Salesforce

Go to the settings section of the created account to make the necessary changes. Remember to save these changes and make sure the two factor authentication Salesforce is enabled. There are several ways to change the settings:

  • go to the session settings section and select two-factor authentication;
  • open your permission sets and add the identity verification;
  • check the box in the corresponding item of system permissions to protect your account.

Thanks to additional protection, it will be possible not only to deny access to your files to unknown users but also not to worry about the transfer of data to interested parties. The improved security level won’t allow to view the stolen files, which means they will be safe.

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