How to Create a More Interactive Website

Are you wondering why your website isn’t gaining loyal customers? Maybe it’s because the bounce rate for website landing pages is up to 90%. 

Whether you’re a start-up or an established business, the importance of digital marketing in 2021 is unparalleled. An interactive website will help keep viewers on your page for longer, improve the user experience, and convert viewers to customers. 

Don’t let your website get lost in the millions of other similar webpages. Creating an interactive website is the first thing you need to do to see your business boom in 2021. 

Read on for this quick and simple guide to creating an interactive website. 

1. Include Internal Links 

There isn’t a set formula for interactive website design, but the goal is to keep users engaged with your content. Internal links are vital to get your viewers scrolling through the whole site. 

Once you’ve got your reader hooked on a post, make sure to drop in 2-3 internal links that sign-post them to other relevant content on your page. Don’t be afraid to also include some external links to improve your perceived credibility, but make sure you aren’t linking to competitors. 

2. Incorporate Gamification 

People love games, so what better way to create engaging contact than adding gamification? Gaming elements can include points, levels, and mini-games. Incentivize users with the thought of ‘leveling up’ to keep them interested. 

You should also include things like tests, polls, and quizzes, to test the user’s knowledge and intrigue them. FlexiQuiz is a website you can use with an easy tool to make your own test free.  

3. Social Media Sign-Posting 

Have you ever heard that our attention span is worse than that of a goldfish? While the science behind that fact is debatable, we can all agree that our attention spans aren’t what they used to be. 

Instead of fighting poor attention spans, embrace them. Sign-post to your other social media channels. That way, when your user gets bored with your website, they’ll click to your Facebook channel with a renewed attention span. 

4. Encourage Feedback 

Users love to feel valued, so you should actively encourage feedback. A great way to promote user feedback is by incorporating comments sections into your web pages. 

Comments sections also create an image of popularity. If you have lots of comments on a post, users will automatically assume that you are a credible source. Beyond comments, make sure you have a ‘contact us’ page to help users provide direct feedback. 

Create An Interactive Website Today

So now you know how to make an interactive website, what’s stopping you? Creating fun and engaging content will help increase web traffic, decrease your bounce rate, and convert users to customers. 

Get started today and you’ll see the results almost immediately!

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