Abstract Class vs Interface C#: What Are the Differences?

JavaScript is the most popular programming language there is. Although it’s technically not class-based or object-oriented, developers can still create OOP code in JavaScript by following a few simple patterns. That’s where the battle of abstract class vs interface C# comes into play.

Both types of classes help developers maintain DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), but they do it in different ways. In this post, we’ll explore abstract classes vs interface C#. Read on so you can make an informed decision when choosing one over the other!

What Is an Abstract Class in C#?

Abstract classes are used to create templates for other related classes. This means you can’t instantiate them. Also, they don’t have any independent functionality on their own.

For example, OCR PDF C# uses an abstract class, and you can’t construct it directly.

An abstract class must be inherited from another object, and it can contain one or more abstract methods (a method without an implementation).

Abstract classes are often designed to define the structure of a family of classes. They’re used in situations where you want to create multiple subclasses with identical or similar implementations but with different behaviors.

What Is an Interface in C#?

An interface is a type that allows you to create contracts between an object and its user. For example, in C# you can define an interface called ICar that has a method StartEngine(), and property Make(). This means that any class that implements the ICar interface must have a method named StartEngine() and a property named Make().

This is important because if your program needs to perform actions based on a car’s make or model, then it can’t rely on concrete classes since those may have different implementations. Instead, the program will use interfaces, so there are more options available when writing code.

Abstract Class vs Interface C#: Similarities and Differences

Let’s start with the similarities between an abstract class and interface. Both can declare the contract of a class. This means that they will restrict the implementation of methods and properties in any given object.

This makes both abstract classes and interfaces ideal for defining common behavior across classes.

In contrast to abstract classes, interfaces do not include any implementation code. They only define a specification of how certain methods should behave when they’re called by other objects within your application. This makes interfaces more lightweight.

Master C# Coding Skills

Now you know the differences between abstract class vs interface C#. We hope you understand the concepts better now and are able to apply them in your work as a developer. The best way to learn something new is by practicing, so browse our technology section for a list of articles that can help you get started with C#.

You’ll learn how to write code that meets industry standards, how to work with data and databases, and much more. As always, we’re here to help.

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