A Look at Who Uses Salesforce in 2022

You’re fresh onto the corporate scene, ready to make your mark and impress your boss with new ideas, technical abilities, and a can-do attitude. 

But despite your experience and education, there’s no way you can know it all. Walking into a new role almost always means picking up new skills.

Today’s must-know platform is Salesforce, a CRM that has become a one-stop shop for all of a company’s needs.

If there’s one skill that you want to pick up to ensure that you’re up-to-date with the business world’s needs, it’ll be Salesforce.

But who uses Salesforce these days? Before you commit to learning a new system, you want to ensure that it is useful and ubiquitous across companies.

Read on to discover what types of companies are deep in the Salesforce game!

1. Fortune 500 Companies

If you have your sights set on working for the big leagues, AKA a Fortune 500 company, then Salesforce should be in your roster of skills. Over 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Salesforce to operate their day-to-day functions as of 2022.

These companies may include some of your favorites like Walmart, Amazon, and Toyota. Despite these companies all dealing with separate customer bases and services, they can all use Salesforce because of the diverse apps available to meet their needs.

Learn about native Salesforce apps to see how Salesforce could benefit your company specifically. 

If there were anyone’s lead to follow, it would be the biggest companies on the market.

2. Small Businesses

However, Salesforce isn’t only for huge companies. 49% of Salesforce users are small firms, with 50 or fewer employees.

Working in a large corporate environment isn’t for everyone. Some people enjoy being a more crucial member of their team and knowing everyone in the office.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because your company is on the small end, it wouldn’t benefit from an organizing system like Salesforce.

Smaller businesses are known for their excellent customer service and their ability to make every customer feel like a priority.

Salesforce CRM is a way to facilitate, document, and even automate these interactions so that that reputation always holds. 

3. Financial Services

Another huge contender for Salesforce’s biggest users is any company in the finance industry.

When working with a financial services company, the most important factor is trust. Is there anything scarier than trusting someone with your money?

Therefore, companies in this industry need to highly prioritize customer service and customer relationships.

By using Salesforce, financial services companies can customize money management for each client. 

Salesforce is especially helpful for organizing and auto-calculating large sums, a tool for these types of businesses.

Who Uses Salesforce? More Like Who Doesn’t.

Salesforce is a beast because of how many different apps and capabilities the tool has. Therefore, companies that span the gambit in terms of size and industry are all able to make use of Salesforce to streamline their customer service.

Now you know who uses Salesforce. The next question to ask yourself is: how do you use it? 

Look into Salesforce training today to begin any number of Salesforce careers and check out our blog for more!

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