How to Fix a Broken Windshield Easily

It can happen to the best of us: a broken windshield. However it happened, windshield damage feels like a disaster. Watching those cracks spread across the glass is agonizing!

Luckily, repairing your windshield is efficient and affordable. You may even be able to handle the repair on your own! We’ll explain in this article when to go ahead and call an expert.

If you’re ready to move on from windshield damage, keep reading.

How to Fix a Broken Windshield

Whether you’re reeling from an accident or need to repair hail damage to a car, the process of repairing your windshield is similar.

Cracks have to be attended to quickly, lest they spread or worsen. There are steps you can take before having to call a mechanic:

Step One: Identify the Damage

The first step to repairing your windshield is identifying the damage that was done. There are multiple types of cracks and chips that are common in windshields. Here are a few of the most common damages:

  • Cracks: cracks can form along the edges of your windshield or split through the middle; treat these quickly as they are bound to spread
  • Chips: small dents or chips in your windshield can be caused by pebbles, bugs, and other detritus; this is the easiest damage to repair
  • Bullseye: a chip in your windshield with concentric rings around it or cracks in a “spiderweb” extending from the center
  • Star: a chip with short fissures extending from it; these are quick and inexpensive to repair
  • Combination: exactly what it sounds like; a combination of the above cracks

Step Two: Replace or Repair?

Now that you know the different types of cracks that can happen to your windshield, you have to determine whether or not it needs replacing.

Small chips and cracks can likely be repaired, either by going to see a professional or using an at-home repair kit. This will prevent them from spreading, make your windshield look normal again, and allow you to move on with your life. Just make sure you keep up maintenance!

Bullseyes, combination damage, and large cracks will require your windshield to be replaced. This is not a process you can usually DIY, so go ahead and call an expert! Professional mechanics will be able to pop out your broken windshield in a flash.

Step Three: Apply Temporary Solutions

If you have a small chip or star, you can go ahead and try to fill it yourself. Windshield repair kits are available at most hardware stores. They provide you with the resin and tools needed to fill in minor chips and cracks.

Keep in mind though that this is a temporary solution. Repairing your windshield yourself will still leave it vulnerable to expanding and contracting with the weather. For longevity, go to your trusted mechanic and have them fill the chips and cracks.

Keep on Driving

We hope this guide has you feeling more confident about fixing your broken windshield. Damage can be stressful, but repairs are easy. You’ll be back on the road in no time.

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