5 Moving Hacks for a Stress Free Moving Day

Americans are a nation of movers. Each year, according to Census data, almost 10% of all Americans move home, with around one in five making the move to a new state. Moving home can be an incredibly exciting time with the promise of a brand new start somewhere else, though it can also be stressful.

Moving all of your possessions from one house to another requires planning. The same goes for ensuring that nothing goes missing or becomes broken during the house move.

If you are planning to move house soon, then this blog post is for you. Here, we will highlight 5 essential moving hacks that you should know about for a stress-free moving day.

1. Color Code Your Boxes

Every room in your existing house should be given a designated color and all boxes for this should clearly indicate this. That way, you’ll be able to keep track of where everything is when it’s time to unpack at your new home. This will also help to speed up the packing stage and help with transport organization.

2. Create an Inventory List

Even before your start packing items into boxes, make a list of everything that you are taking with you from each room. You can make another list of items that will go to charity and another for items that you are planning to throw away.

A moving day checklist means that you won’t bring any unnecessary items to your new home and can easily determine what needs to be packed where.

3. Hire Professional Packers

Even with the best of intentions, packing everything in your old house can be complicated. We recommend that you trust the experts and hire professional packers to make this job a whole lot easier.

Given that you’ll already have plenty on your plate when organizing a move to a new home, hiring packers will help you to overcome one major hurdle without any stress.

4. Pack An Emergency Box With Essentials

When in the middle of packing, it can be easy to get caught up in what you are doing and forget to leave essentials close to hand. For example, you don’t want to prepare a final meal at your old house and realize that all of your plates and cutlery have already been packed away.

Create a smaller box with essentials and avoid taping it up, so that you can grab anything you need before moving day.

5. Stock Up On Painter’s Tape

It’s advised that you keep painter’s tape close by when packing boxes. You never know when it will come in handy on moving day!

Moving Hacks for a Stress-Free Moving Day

The above packing tips will make moving day a breeze and allow you to get properly excited about your brand new home! As noted above, we always recommend hiring professional packers to ensure that your possessions are handled with care and attention.

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