Visiting tea shops is becoming more and more popular in America, largely because it’s an experience unlike any other this side of the Atlantic. However, over here, everyone is in too much of a hurry to properly appreciate tea, with all of its unique flavors and tones.
So, come with us now as we explore how to get the utmost out of a nice cup of tea. What we’re about to show you isn’t about making a fuss about that cup of tea, rather it’s about taking the necessary time to really appreciate what you’re drinking.
For the purposes of this blog, we’ll be using hibiscus tea – something that has a glorious red coloring and a tangy, fruity taste.
What You’ll Need to Try ItÂ
If you’re lucky enough to visit any of your local tea shops when trying tea out, all the better, but if you’re at home, you’ll need some good quality tea, a kettle, some kind of timer (the one on your smartphone is more than accurate enough for the job.
The Temperature of Your Tea MattersÂ
If you want to make a great cup of tea, then you need to be using water that’s close to boiling, as it’s this heat that draws out the nutrients and flavors from the tea. You’ll be brewing your team for around 2-3 minutes, so as to let the tea properly diffuse throughout the water.
What the Color Should Be LikeÂ
If you’ve left your tea to brew for long enough, you should have your tea’s coloring just like they make it in the tea shops. This tea-infused water should adopt much of the coloring of the leaves, which in this case are red. If you’re brewing black tea, it will be orange-ish brown, whereas you’ll be looking at a golden yellow color with green tea.
What the Aroma Should Be Like
Interestingly, the most vital part of the tea tasting process is the aroma, as our olfactory senses are responsible for much of how we taste. Before we even take a sip, it’s time to breathe in those heavenly vapors and let it conjure up memories of Sunny days out in nature.
What we smell is known to instantly bring back memories in vivid detail, so it’s something that evokes different emotions in different people, but with tea, it’s always positive.
Doing Your Taste TestÂ
Now it’s time to carry out that all-important taste test. You’ll need to wait a couple of minutes to do so to prevent you from burning your lip. You’ll also find that the taste alters subtly as it cools, so you get a multi-layered taste experience every time, no matter what blend you go for.
Enjoy Your Delicious Tea Shops Experience!
If you follow this short guide to the letter, you’ll get the full experience that the makers intended when they created it. It’s all about taking your time and giving the tea time to reach its full potential.
Far too often people simply boil up a brew and drink it without really appreciating it. It should be a calm and reassuring experience that allows you to unwind – tea is great for de-stressing.
So, next time you enjoy some herbal tea, take it nice and slow, as good things come to those who wait.