Solar panel installation is becoming increasingly popular these days. More and more large companies are buying up solar panel fields, and the technology has become much more affordable.
Have you been considering what energy options you have? Do you want to switch over to sustainable energy but are not sure where to start?
Keep reading! We’ll go into everything you need to know about running your home entirely on the renewable energy source, solar.
The Different Types of Solar Systems
When considering your energy options and how going green is possible for your home, there are a few different things you’ll want to take into consideration. The first is the type of system you are looking at for your home.
An on-grid system means you are still connected to the power grid. You pull most of your energy from the solar panels on your home, but on low-producing days, you can still draw from the grid as needed.
If you produce excess energy from your solar panels, it is put back into the grid, and you get a credit toward future energy bills. This process is called net metering.
This is when you run your entire home off solar panels. You are not connected to the grid at all and have a battery backup system. The batteries store power for low-producing days, so instead of pulling from the grid, you draw from your batteries.
Out of all the energy options, this one gives you the most flexibility. You can run your home entirely off of solar but have the opportunity to pull from the grid if you need to. You have three sources of energy, your panels, the batteries, and the grid.
What Do You Need to Consider?
When deciding what type of solar system you want to install, you’ll need to consider a few things. You want to measure how much sunlight your home gets every day and track your energy consumption. This will tell the company installing the solar panels how many you’ll need before they start panel installation.
How Many Panels
When considering solar panel installation and exactly what you’ll need, reach out to a reputable company like Blue Raven Solar. A company like theirs can help you figure out precisely what your home needs to be entirely off-grid if you choose to go that route.
There Are Alternative Energy Options Out There
In this day and age, you are no longer limited to energy options that will contribute to climate change. If you are intrigued by renewable energy and going off-grid, the possibilities are there. Figure out your power consumption, and you’ll be able to find a solar system that works for you.
There is a great quantity of information on solar panels and what they can do for you and the environment. If you want to gain a much better understanding of solar power, technology, health, and more, look through the many other articles on our blog.