Blooming Beauty: 7 Plants To Check Out For Your Backyard Garden

Planting is a leisurely activity that you can do when you are at home. You do not need anything fancy to start your backyard garden. Determination and commitment are the main requirements then, you are good to go! Without a doubt, flowers will go well in your backyard. They would look good for a splash of color when you look outside of your house. However, choosing what flowers to grow is another story.

You need to do proper research on what type of plants you want to grow. You need to assess the location where you want to plant them and make sure that they would grow well in that place. To help you, here are a few plants you can check out and locations where they can grow well.


Azaleas are pretty shrubs that bloom in white, red, orange, yellow, and purple. This plant looks better when mass planted in your garden. Even so, they still look good when planted alone. Once the blooming period passes by, you can start trimming them to help renew overgrown plants.

Azalea plants are deciduous plants that drop their flowers during fall. Concerning this, the best time to plant them is during late spring or early fall. Though they do just well in partial shade, they profusely bloom when exposed to full sun. Amazingly, the azalea is a hardy plant that will only need less maintenance. Learn More about azaleas to make your garden look incredible.

Coral Bells

Coral bells, also known as heuchera, got their name from their bell-shaped blooms hanging in a tall spike. Also, its leaves are usually heart-shaped or rounded. It blooms during late spring or early summer. Moreover, the foliage of this flower is as impressive as its name. The colors of the flower of coral bells vary from burgundy or light purple and red to lime green.

Additionally, coral bells are also low-maintenance plants that tolerate both shade and full sun. Plant them in well-drained, moist soil that is rich with organic matter. Also, you can grow them in containers. However, they will need little of your attention by occasional watering. You can also plant them in masses to create a distinct plant in your garden.

Mock Orange

Mock orange attracts lots of butterflies, mockingbirds, and other pollinators into your garden. They have fragrant sweet scents that you can grow in your backyard. Mock orange got its name because its flower has orange blossoms with oval, serrated, dark green leaves. As attractive as they look, you should know that this plant is also deciduous.

You can plant mock oranges during early fall or spring. Make sure that this plant can get up to four hours of sunlight on most days. Also, mock oranges can tolerate most soils, even sandy and clay, but greatly appreciates organically rich soil. Moreover, this plant can quickly grow up to two feet per year.

Mountain Laurel

Mountain Laurel is a beautiful shrub that has a gnarly, multi-stemmed growth habit. It has glossy green leaves and produces white flowers with pink to maroon shades of markings. Also, mountain laurel plants are native to the eastern United States that you can randomly see grow wild among azaleas. Concerning this, mountain laurel can surely grow where you see azaleas or rhododendrons.

On the other hand, mountain laurel grows and matures slower. Additionally, in planting this plant, make sure to place them where they can get partial shade. However, prevent producing them in the deep shade since they might develop leaf spots. Moreover, mountain laurel does not grow well in clay soil and high-nitrogen soils. So, it is best to prevent growing them near high-nitrogen gardens.

Russian Sage

Russian sage is perfect for people who are looking for plants that still grow well with neglect. They are very low-maintenance plants that live for a long time. This plant is known for its silvery-green foliage that dazzles in midsummer. The plant then blooms in lavender-blue flowers that stay until fall.

This hardy Russian sage plant prefers dry conditions. First, you can start planting them in containers then transfer them into your garden when the soil warms up. As mentioned, they will only need minimal care and are tolerant of drought. Though they will still need minimal watering until established. Also, plant them where they can get full sun.


Planting and growing is a fun thing to do. Aside from its other benefits, watching your plants grow from your hard work is rewarding. However, if you are a busy buddy that still wants to grow your garden, some plants are perfect for you. That type of plant will only require less to no maintenance at all. Perfect for someone who grinds at work all day.

Though, in gardening, the plant that you prefer should be taken the most consideration. Since you are the one who will tend to them, you must choose the type that you like. Commitment and determination will go a long way. Most importantly, do not forget to have fun while planting!

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