An Ultimate Overview of Common Laboratory Equipment

The market research sector industry is worth more than $46 billion and it’s only going to continue to grow as time continues. Are you joining the industry by working in a laboratory?

If so, the first thing you need to do is get more information about the most common laboratory equipment you’ll use while in the lab. Below we’ve created a brief guide that will tell you about the laboratory equipment essential to do your job.

Ceramic Squares

While you’re conducting various experiments you’ll need equipment to protect the lab tables from getting destroyed. That’s why you will be using ceramic squares.

This helps protect your working surface from the hot or corrosive materials you might be working with. Of course, if you don’t have the funds to buy brand new equipment you can always check out these options for buying used lab equipment.


Depending on the chemicals you use certain vapors will be released. A condenser will collect the vapors and transform them into liquids to make it easier for them to mix with the cooled surface within the condenser.

Wire Gauze

Beakers are used to contain vapors and liquids. During your time of study, your experiments will call for these liquids to be studied at varying temperatures.

To heat the liquid you’ll use a wire gauze to hold the beaker in place as it sits over the beaker being heated to the proper temperature.


You mustn’t add several drops of chemicals to other beakers because it can ignite a chain reaction. Instead, you’ll need to use an eyedropper to keep track of the drops you place within the beaker.

This is beneficial for several purposes including keeping track of reactions that occur as you add more drops. An eyedropper shouldn’t be used as a measuring tool because it doesn’t have measurement markers.

Graduated Cylinder

This is a form of glassware you’ll use frequently in your lab. Graduated cylinders have measurements on the side to ensure you’re using the right amount of chemicals during your experiments.

This lab equipment makes it easier to keep track of different volumes and pour them without making a mess.


The pipette is another type of glassware that makes it easier to track volume and acts as a vacuum. The bulb in the pipette creates the vacuum effect as it fills with liquid.

They are used to help transfer chemicals from container to container during different labs.

Analytical Balance

Analytical balances make it possible to measure the sub-milligram ranges of masses smaller in size. Your balancer should come with doors that contain the mass being measured.

The doors keep the measurement from being changed based on air conditions within the lab.

Common Laboratory Equipment 101

If you’re working in a lab there are groups of common laboratory equipment you’ll need. From bunsen burners, named after Robert Bunsen to wire gauze we’ve given you information on the laboratory equipment and supplies you need to know.

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