5 Interesting Facts About Carnations

Carnation flowers are widespread in many countries. They became popular several centuries ago, and their new varieties are being developed even today. This is a wonderful gift for both men and women — you can please both your loved one and a respected leader.

Unusual facts about bulk carnations

1)    In Portugal, this flower has become a symbol of the overthrow of the military dictatorship. There were bouquets made of them that decorated the streets and clothes when the military regime fell.

2)    In France, cloves became popular after the Crusades. The reason for the popularity was that, as it was believed, it was a decoction of this plant that helped to overcome the epidemic that had spread in Tunisia among the French crusaders.

3)    In conservative medieval Spain, with the help of carnations of different colors attached to clothes, young girls signaled to their admirers, with whom they did not have the opportunity to talk publicly.

4)    According to an ancient Greek legend, carnations appeared when the goddess of hunting Artemis, angry with her failure, accused the shepherd playing the flute of frightening all the game with his music and tore out his eyes, which became the first carnations. Therefore, in Greece, these red flowers symbolize the blood of the innocent.

5)    In total, there are about 350 varieties of cloves in the world now. New varieties are being registered, and now, the Royal Horticultural Society in London is doing this.

Where to buy carnations flowers in bulk?

The online store offers to order carnations wholesale directly from the manufacturer’s farm with a guarantee. Thus, you can get fresh flowers that will delight you for a long time.

You can choose any variety of carnations you will quickly ship your order anywhere in the USA.

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