What to Do If You Are Locked Out Of Your Car

Do you know what really gets the anxiety juices flowing in anyone? Coming back to your car only to see that you’ve been locked out.

Car lockouts happen way more often than you might think. People come up with super funky ways to get back into their cars, too!

When you panic in any frustrating situation, over time, the effects of reacting negatively do not benefit you.

If you have recently been locked out of your car and you’re looking for what to do should it ever happen again, you’ve come to the right place. Our guide here has all the information you need to know about car lockouts.

Stay Calm

Like we previously mentioned, panicking oftentimes escalates the situation you’ve encountered when you’re locked out of your car. The most important thing for you to do when this happens is to stay calm.

Staying calm allows you to have a clear, open mind. From there, you can think about all of the options available to you.

Call for Assistance

Now that you’re calm and have thought about your options, you need to call for assistance. Your car can’t stay in a parking lot forever!

Many car insurance companies do not include roadside assistance. For example, “comprehensive coverage” might not even include roadside assistance or all of the services offered.

This is where an automotive locksmith comes in handy.

When you call Advanced Locksmith, they are ready to help you at any time, day or night. Some of the things they can help with include:

  • Car key replacements
  • Locked steering wheels
  • Car lockouts
  • Ignition rekeys and repairs
  • Car lock repairs

So, even if you encounter an additional situation that requires urgent tending to, Advanced Locksmith is a great place to call.

Try Troubleshooting Your Locks

Now, there is a high possibility that you’ve unfortunately locked your mobile device in the car as well. In this case, there are a few solutions you can make an attempt at before waving someone down in the parking lot.

Here are some ways to try unlocking your car door without the car keys:

  • Tie a shoelace into a slip knot, intertwine it through the window, loop it around the lock and pull it upwards
  • If you’ve just bought yourself new clothes, use a coat hanger to make a hook, loop it around the lock, and pull until you’ve successfully unlocked your door
  • If you can get a tennis ball from someone, create a hole in the ball, align the hole with the keyhole of the car, and push to produce enough airforce to unlock the vehicle
  • A singular strip of plastic can be bent, inserted into the door jamb, and pulled against the lock to easily open a car door

If you don’t feel comfortable doing these yourself, it’s worth finding out if someone you know or someone around you has experience with car maintenance issues like lockouts.

Car Lockouts Made Simple

Should you ever experience car lockouts again in the future, our guide here makes it easy to deal with them in an efficient, relaxed manner.

Remember that staying calm tops everything on this list! We know that you want to get back into your car, and the initial shock of pulling on a locked door only to see the keys on the seat inside can be overwhelming.

But when you remain calm, assess your situation, call for assistance, and even try troubleshooting the locks on your own, rest assured that car lockouts are nothing big to stress about.

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