Six Family Keepsakes You Should Never Get Rid Of

Having a family history and records can be one way to trace your roots. Going further, it’s another way to understand yourself, your heritage, and what makes you who you are.

Whether you’re declaring yourself a family history enthusiast or someone who wants to learn more about their family roots, having family keepsakes is one way to do so. Whether it be photographs or special gifts, these items tell a story.

But why is keeping family keepsakes a good thing? Because oftentimes it reminds us of our past and of lessons learned.

Keep reading below for six family heirlooms that should never be gotten rid of!

1. Baby Clothes

There are six family keepsakes you should never get rid of, and baby clothes are one of them. Clothing is a tangible way to keep memories alive.

They can also be a reminder of happy times and special occasions. If you are considering getting rid of baby clothes, think twice before you do. They may be something you and your family cherish for generations to come.

2. Achievements and Diplomas

Other family keepsakes you should never get rid of are your birth certificate, your baby book, your first tooth, your first haircut, your report cards, and your diplomas. Good thing, there’s still a chance to bring back a lost high school diploma.

These items represent your achievements and accomplishments, and they are a reminder of how far you’ve come. They are also a reminder of the people who have helped you along the way.

3. Items From a Family Member’s childhood 

The baby blanket is a reminder of your family’s newest member. It is also a symbol of hope and new beginnings. The family Bible is a source of comfort and strength. It is a reminder of your family’s faith and values.

The grandparents’ china is a reminder of your family’s heritage. The children’s drawings are a reminder of their innocence and creativity.

The first baby shoes are a reminder of their first steps and milestones. The wedding dress is a reminder of your family’s love and commitment.

4. Something That Belonged to a Grandparent

Photos capture memories and moments that would otherwise be forgotten. Journals are a way to document family history and stories to be passed down for generations.

Family trees help to trace your lineage and see how you are connected to your ancestors.  Something that belonged to a grandparent is a priceless and generational keepsake that should be treasured and never forgotten.

5. A Special Piece of Jewelry

A special piece of jewelry is also part of the family’s unique keepsakes, a reason that you’ll love keeping keepsakes safe, it is a symbol of your love and commitment. These family keepsakes are irreplaceable and should be treasured forever.

6. Christmas Gifts

Christmas gifts are often given with love and thoughtfulness. They can be a lasting reminder of the love and bonds we share with our family and friends.

Family Keepsakes: For Keeps

Keep these six family keepsakes and pass them down to future generations.

These six family keepsakes may not seem like much, but they hold sentimental value that is irreplaceable. So before you get rid of them, think about what they represent and how they make you feel.

After all, it is the memories and stories associated with them that make them so special. So hold on to them and pass them down to future generations so they can enjoy them too.

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