How to Design a Company Shirt Your Employees Will Love Wearing

Whether you’re designing a t-shirt for a company retreat, daily wear, or as a promotional item, you need to make sure the design you come up with is one that people will want to wear around.

If you’re thinking about printing custom shirts, but don’t have a lot of design experience, don’t panic. We’re here to help. Here are a few must-have tips on how to design a company shirt to help you get started.

Consider Your Brand

When designing custom t shirts for a company, you should start by taking a good, long look at your branding. If you already have branding in place, then you won’t have to worry about coming up with color palettes, logos, or even typeface when putting together your shirt.

Company logo shirts are simply another extension of your brand. So, using the design elements you already have will help ensure that your shirts are instantly recognizable and fit the aesthetic you’re already going for in your other marketing.

Keep It Simple

When you design a custom shirt, you’re allowed to cover it with whatever you want. But keep in mind that when it comes to walking, talking, moving billboards, less is generally more.

If you cover the front and back of your shirts with a lot of text and images, people may have a hard time figuring out just what they’re looking at and get confused. Try to keep your overall design as simple as possible so your branding shines through and the shirts are a bit more recognizable, especially if you plan on using your shirts as promotional items.

Think Outside the Image

When designing a promotional shirt, you must keep in mind that your shirts will be going on human bodies — they won’t just be flat images out in the world. So, you want to avoid coming up with a design that might look a bit awkward on various body types.

Put It to a Vote

Keep in mind that your employees will be wearing your custom shirts, so they should have some say in the final design. One of the best ways to manage this while not overburdening yourself with too many suggestions is by coming up with a few different ideas and putting the final decision to a company-wide vote.

Find a Printer

Finally, one of the most challenging aspects of putting together promotional items, like t-shirts, is finding a printer to handle the job.

While it may be tempting to save a few bucks by going with a generic printer, you should look for a professional t-shirt printing company to ensure that the product you wind up with reflects well on your company.

How to Create a Killer Company Shirt

Now that you know a bit more about designing a company shirt, it’s time to get brainstorming!

Are you looking for more ideas on how to boost your business with promotional products? We’ve got you covered! Check out the rest of our blog for more helpful articles and information today.

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