5 Signs Your Older Loved One May Need Assisted Living

As our loved ones get older, it may become time to consider they can no longer take care of themselves. And while families may like to initially believe that they can help their older loved one on their own, sometimes their schedules are entirely too busy to take on such a big task. 

After all, at some point seniors may require around the clock care which can be a big responsibility for their children and family members who have full time jobs and families to look after themselves. 

This is where many people turn towards assisted living as a solution. This won’t just make your loved ones life easier, but also your life.  You’ll have total peace of mind knowing that they’re well looked after. 

If you’re not sure whether assisted living is right for you, here are some of the telltale signs that your older loved one could benefit from it.

Neglected Personal Care

Do you notice that your loved one is starting to look more disheveled than usual? Perhaps they have an unpleasant smell. Usually these declines in their hygiene are a result of not being able to bathe themselves properly. In an assisted living facility, someone is there around the clock to help with these basic day-to-day tasks like showering, brushing teeth, and even getting dressed. This can be enormously helpful and even safer, since your older loved one could potentially hurt themselves while taking a shower.


One of the biggest concerns for senior citizens is isolation. If you notice that your older loved one is isolating themselves more than usual, then it could be a sign that they could benefit from the social aspects of assisted living.  

These facilities have organized social events like group meals, and even game nights. This can be incredibly important for your aging loved ones who alright risk of depression from social isolation.

Difficulty Taking Care of Basic To-Do’s

Have you noticed that your loved ones bills aren’t getting paid, or perhaps they haven’t done cleaning around the house? These basic adult to-dos can start to slip and is a red flag that someone needs help.. Assisted living facilities make it so that your older loved one doesn’t have to worry about remembering bills, or having vacuumed their home. This can give you and them reassurance knowing that everything will get done in due time.

Safety Concerns

At some point, your older loved one’s cognitive decline may start to become dangerous for themselves and others. For example, leaving the stove on could lead to a serious accident. If you notice that there one seemingly forgetfulness is now becoming a threat to their house, then it’s time to start considering professional around the clock care.

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