The Common Causes of Aggressive Driving

You’re driving down the road. You make up your mind to hit your blinker a few seconds before the end of the traffic light. It ends up being an instinctual movement and you barely think about it.

Everyone drives like this sometimes. Unfortunately, there’s a difference between situational aggressive driving and true aggressive driving.

Learning the common causes of aggressive driving can help you foresee potentially dangerous behavior on the road. Make sure to keep reading and check out this information!


People who drive while texting, composing emails, or eating behind the wheel have a diminished ability to focus on the driving situation, putting themselves and other drivers at an increased risk of driving accidents or incidents.

Distraction behind the wheel is not limited to electronic devices, but also personal conversations, fiddling with the radio, eating, or reading. If you got in trouble, visit here for more details about a committed team of knowledgeable lawyers who will help you out. 

Stress and Aggression

One of the most common causes of aggressive driving is stress. When people experience irritability, frustration, and anxiety due to stress, they can become easily irritable and lash out on the road.

Drivers in a rush or feeling overwhelmed are more likely to take unnecessary risks on the road, such as speeding, rapid acceleration, and stopping short. This increases the likelihood of an accident, safety hazard, and aggressive behavior.

Competitive Driving

Competitive driving is the desire to come out ahead of the other drivers at all costs, leading to risky behavior that can put others on the road in danger. Competitive drivers may do things such as:

  • speed
  • run stop signs
  • tailgate
  • weave in and out of traffic
  • display other dangerous behaviors

They may even become verbally or physically aggressive in some cases, and it’s all in the service of reaching their goal faster than everyone else.

In many cases, drivers become so focused on competing against the other drivers on the road that they completely forget about safe driving and the lives of the people around them.


During inclement weather, drivers must take extra precautions and be careful when behind the wheel. In rain, visibility is reduced, slick roads can lead to slipping, and hydroplaning is a real danger.

When the roads are covered in snow and ice, traction and braking can be affected, making it difficult to maintain control of the vehicle. Additionally, harsh winds can lead to gusts that can push a car off course or in hazardous directions.

For these reasons, drivers often feel pressured to drive faster or recklessly to make up for the lost time. With all of the dangers posed by weather, it can cause individuals to drive aggressively, often endangering themselves and the other drivers around them.


Drivers under the influence of alcohol often become overly impaired and assume a false sense of confidence behind the wheel. Alcohol impairs the ability to make:

  • sound judgments
  • reduces concentration
  • delayed reaction time

These can result in careless and reckless behavior and can lead the driver to perform far more risky behaviors than they would under normal circumstances. 

Avoid Aggressive Driving Starting Today

Aggressive driving can lead to dangerous situations and should be avoided at all costs. To protect yourself and other drivers on the road, be aware of the most common causes of aggressive driving.

Drive cautiously and be courteous to other drivers– you might just save a life. 

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