How will my monitoring authority know I have an ignition interlock installed?

Having to deal with the aftermath of an alcohol-related driving conviction and losing your driving privilege or the same being restricted is no fun at all. While also having to stay in constant communication with your state government officials responsible for monitoring you is also no joke at all. What then is the way out for you?

What is an ignition interlock?

An ignition interlock is a breathalyzer installed in a vehicle that prevents a driver from starting their car whenever they are drunk. Find out the ignition interlock cost here.

Why do you have to install an ignition interlock?

If you have been convicted of an alcohol driving offense, your state may require you to have a breathalyzer installed for you to continue your driving ability. The time frame or duration for which you need to install a breathalyzer is largely dependent upon your state requirement.

The first step to take is to have your ignition interlock installed in a certified ignition installation center which will provide you with a certificate of installation after installing the ignition interlock device into your vehicle.

Choosing ignition interlock devices (IID) center, you must consider that such provider is state-accredited or certified, has convenient locations within your geographical area or state, easy to use devices, and has had no prior suspension or desertification within your state. All these are important to take notice of because they will invariably determine your assessment by your monitoring authority.

Also, the installed IID is to meet all the requirements of the National Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA) and pass other testing required by your state.

After the installation, what needs to be done vary by state. Some states will require you to provide the certificate to your monitoring authority while in other states the center can electronically notify your monitoring authority of the installation.

Whichever way it’s done, know that it is of utmost priority that your monitoring authority knows about your installed ignition interlock as this will enable them to keep abreast of your progress

What information is reported to your monitoring authority?

States and monitoring authorities vary with their requirements for what information is reported to them. Each report must contain the time of day that a sample was submitted, the breath alcohol concentration (BAC) level of every breath sample, the time of each requested sample (and missed time too if available), and lastly any tampering evidence. The following may also be required; missed calibrations, duration of non-usage of vehicle, and picture verification of driver identity. 

What happens if you refuse to install an ignition interlock device?

Depending on your state, the following may be the result of your refusal to comply with your state or monitoring authority after being charged with an alcohol driving-related offense;

  • You may be barred from regaining your unrestricted driving privileges till you have completed the necessary ignition requirements required of you by the state.
  • You may have your ignition interlock restriction extended than you deserve.
  • You may face additional fines, be held in contempt of court, or have to face jail time.
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