How to Successfully Navigate Your First DUI in Florida

In 2018, over 32,100 people were arrested for driving under the influence.

Getting your first DUI in Florida can be scary and it might feel like you’ve messed up your life for good. But everybody makes mistakes and you shouldn’t have to pay dearly for yours.

Luckily, if you take the right steps, you can recover. Read on to find out what to do for a first-time DUI in Florida.

What Happens for a DUI First Offense in Florida?

Driving under the influence is something pretty serious. So it should come as no surprise that even for a first-time offender, the consequences are grave.

Under Florida law, you have to pay a fine of anywhere between $500 to $2,000. To make matters worse, if you had a minor in the car and your blood alcohol content (BAC) was over 0.15, the fees are increased to $2,000 to $4,000. And if you caused serious bodily injuries to other people as a result of your DUI, expect fees to be over $5,000.

In addition, you’ll need to do 50 hours of community service. Do note that some courts will let you “buy out” hours at $10/hour.

You’ll also have to go to DUI school for at least 12 hours. This must be completed within 90 days of your DUI. You can take these classes from the Florida Safety Council for $275.

You’re not done after the classes either. Once you’ve completed them, the state of Florida will then test you on what you’ve learned. This will cost around $150.

Other Fees

When you get a DUI charge in Florida, your driver’s license will be revoked for usually 180 days or more. Once those days are up, you’ll have to pay $115 (exam and administrative fee) and $60 (reinstatement fee) if you choose to get your license back.

After your license is reinstated, you’ll also have to pay for insurance. You’ll need proof of bodily injury liability insurance ($100,000 per person), as well as $300,000 per occurrence and $50,000 for property damage liability.

Plus, you’ll probably be on probation for a year or less. You’ll have to pay the state $50/month, as well as a possible statutory surcharge.

Get Help From an Attorney

Navigating a DUI charge can be difficult, especially if you’re distraught. Hiring a lawyer isn’t a bad idea, especially since they can help you understand what you need to do and when. They might even be able to reduce your charges from a DUI to reckless driving!

For more info, The Hardy Law Firm is a great resource to turn to.

Handle Your First DUI in Florida Correctly

Your life might feel like it’s in shambles after your first DUI in Florida. But so long as you pay off your fees and follow everything you need to do, you’ll soon have your life back in order. And it might not be a bad idea to get a DUI attorney in Florida, as they’ll be able to help you stay on track!

For more legal help, make sure you check out our other blog posts.

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