Filing Motorcycle Accident Claims: 5 Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Are you in the process of filing motorcycle accident claims?

Even though approximately 4% of drivers are motorcycle drivers, they account for 14% of total traffic fatalities. Most of these occur due to the inexperience of other drivers and the inability of bike riders to notice and react to dangers.

If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident case, you know the importance of filing a claim. But are you aware of some common mistakes people make when filing their claims?

Below, we highlight the mistakes you need to avoid to ensure you file a successful claim.

1. Not Reporting the Accident Right Away

Insurance companies often require that an accident be reported within a specific time frame—usually 24 hours. If you wait to report the accident, the insurance company may deny your claim.

In addition, getting the other driver’s insurance information and the contact details of any witnesses to the accident is vital. Failing to do so may result in a denial of your claim.

2. Not Getting a Police Report

This can be a costly mistake, as insurance companies often deny claims that do not have a police report to back them up. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, get a police report—even if the other party is at fault.

3. Not Getting Medical Treatment

It’s essential to see a doctor as soon as possible after an accident to document your injuries and begin the process of recovery. Delayed treatment can also impact your ability to file a successful insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

If you wait too long to get treated, the insurance company may argue that your injuries are not as severe as you claim or that they were caused by something other than the accident.

4. Not Collecting Enough Evidence

This can be a costly mistake, as it can be challenging to prove your case without enough evidence. Collecting evidence can give an advantage when filing motorcycle accident claim documents.

Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

  • Take photos of the accident scene
  • Get the contact information of witnesses
  • Get a copy of police report
  • Keep all medical records and receipts
  • Contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney

5. Not Hiring a Lawyer

You might be hoping to pursue and settle your case on your own. However, even if you were capable of doing that, odds are your insurance company will recommend an agreement that’s not beneficial to you.

That’s why it’s worth hiring a professional motorcycle accident lawyer. The insurance corporation could have specialists in their corner, so you also want to have a professional helping you understand your rights.

Go here to find a lawyer to assist you in the motorcycle accident claim filing so you can get what you deserve.

Claiming What You Deserve When Filing Motorcycle Accident Claims

After reading this article, you’re sure to avoid these common mistakes when filing motorcycle accident claims. If you prevent these common mistakes from happening in the first place, we’re confident you will be able to claim the compensation owed to you.

For more legal tips like this, keep browsing our site!

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