Top Tips For Perfect Lighting In Your Home

Having the perfect lighting in your home is one of the key ways to make it look and feel exactly right. Lighting is a main consideration for all your rooms and can dramatically transform every space. Each room is likely to have a different lighting requirement dependant on its function in the house. In this article the focus is on some of the most important rooms in your home and how to use smart placement of lighting and different types of lighting to maximize the feel and function of each space.

First, Plan And  Purchase

The first step to getting perfect lighting in all parts of your home is to decide which rooms you are going to focus on and then decide of where the new lighting will be located. If you are computer savvy and want ultra professional results it is worth using specific lighting apps and software such as Blender or Radiance. These will allow you to make 3D designs of your spaces and then show the impact that specific lighting will have in various parts of the space. It will also help you decide the intensity of different lighting areas and the effect this has on a room. Once you have the placement of lighting in mind it is well worth searching for electrical wholesalers who are likely to have an enormous range of lighting equipment at competitive prices. This way you can buy all your lighting equipment in one place.

The Kitchen

Getting the lighting right in the kitchen requires a mix of different lighting types. Firstly, you will need task lighting that will illuminate key food preparation and cooking areas such as the oven and some work surfaces. This will ensure that you have adequate illumination to make your meals in a safe and efficient fashion. Task-based lighting tends to be stronger intensity lighting for these purposes. For areas such as the dining table or breakfast bar, opt for more subtle and lower intensity lighting so the eating spaces are comfortable on the eye and not dazzling.

The Bathroom

Bathroom lighting should have a focus on promoting a relaxing space where you can unwind after a hard day’s’ work. In the main, it is good practice to use warm, lower intensity lighting for the bath and shower areas, with a mix of higher intensity task lighting on the bathroom mirror and sink areas. This will allow you to undertake your morning washing and grooming routines in well-lit areas whilst offering more comfortable ambient, relaxing lighting for long soaks in the bath.

The Bedroom

The bedroom lighting should be all about comfort. You want this space to be relaxing and you can gain this effect by using bedside lamps that have warm bulbs in them. Overhead lighting should also be of low intensity to promote comfort but bright enough to allow you to navigate the room easily in the mornings. Consider also investing in a sunrise alarm clock which emulates the effect of natural sunlight in the morning. This is a far more pleasant way to wake up than switching on bright overhead lights and will allow you to wake up gently with customizable brightness settings.

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