5 Things You Should Know Before Building a Fireplace at Home

Did you know that adding a fireplace can raise your home value by as much as $12,000?

Are you looking to build a fireplace for your home?

If so, there’s plenty that you need to know before you even get started. The entire process can be rather tricky if you don’t do your research on the subject. There are plenty of unique elements to fireplaces that you need to learn.

Preparing ahead of time is the best way to go. The more you know ahead of time, the smoother the process. Just be sure not to wait until the last minute.

Here are some tips to help you out as you plan to build a fireplace at home. Be sure to consider all of these points as you prepare yourself.

1. Look at Your Chimney

First, you must have a chimney inspection. Take a look at your chimney. Is it in good condition? If not, you’ll need to have it repaired or replaced before proceeding.

You should ideally have an inspection once a year. Otherwise, a clogged chimney may cause you to enter a smoky room one day. Remember to have this task completed by a licensed professional.

2. Choose the Right Fireplace

You need to think about the size of the fireplace. It’s essential to ensure the fireplace fire pit is the right size for your home and your needs. Otherwise, you could end up with a too big or too-small fireplace.

It would be best if you had a plan for how you will maintain the fireplace. It would also be best if you also made sure that the area around the fireplace is clear of any flammable materials. This includes things like furniture, curtains, and rugs.

There are many types of fireplaces. Consider an oak mantel if you need to find the one that best meets your needs.

3. A Gas Fireplace Is Great

Gas has numerous advantages over wood or coal-fired heating options. Gas is far easier to start, and there is no mess; no ash to sweep or chimney to clean.

As a result, gas is a better long-term option than wood or coal.

4. You Need a Professional Installation

This will ensure the fireplace is installed correctly and safely to avoid unwanted fire. An adequately installed fireplace can help you save money on heating.

Look for a retailer who can provide you with a certified installation.

5. Decoration Is Important

Ensure the fireplace fits in with your home’s overall look and feel. Otherwise, it will stick out like a sore thumb. Logs and embers work well in older homes. On the other hand, modern homes may appear better with electric options.

Building the Perfect Fireplace at Home

Building a fireplace at home is a great way to add value to your property.

Understand the local building codes and get the appropriate permits. Hire a professional to help with the installation, and ensure the chimney is inspected yearly.

Enjoy your new fireplace safely!

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