What Ear Hygiene Mistakes Should Seniors Avoid?

Keeping ears clean is very important for older adults to keep their hearing sharp. As we get on in years, issues like wax buildup or infections can pop up more often, especially if living in assisted living communities. 

But watch out! Some typical cleaning mistakes might actually make things worse instead of better. So, here’s the lowdown on what seniors need to know about keeping those ears healthy.

Overusing Cotton Swabs

Cotton swabs might seem like a good idea for ear cleaning. But guess what? They can actually push wax deeper into the ears instead of getting it out. This could lead to packed-in wax, causing discomfort or even short-term hearing loss.

Seniors need to be extra careful here because their earwax tends to get harder and tougher to remove. Plus, using cotton swabs too much may scratch up the inside of your ears, increasing the risk of infections.

So, let’s leave things natural when possible. Allow that pesky earwax to fall out on its own, or ask an expert if removal is needed.

Ignoring Ear Infections

Ear infections are no joke. They can bring on pain, swelling, and even mess with hearing, which is definitely not something to brush off! Some seniors might think it’s just a bit of discomfort that’ll pass, but leaving an infection untreated could lead to big problems like permanent loss of hearing.

If you have an itch in the ear that won’t quit or some weird stuff coming out from there, it’s time for medical help ASAP. Getting treatment right away helps avoid more trouble down the line and keeps those ears healthy.

Using Ear Candles

Ear candling might sound like an amazing, natural way to get rid of earwax, but it’s risky. The whole thing involves sticking a lit-up hollow candle into the ear canal, hoping that it’ll suck out the wax. However, this can lead to burns or blockages in your ears and could even poke holes through eardrums. 

For older adults especially, these risks are just not worth any possible benefits. Doctors don’t recommend doing this because they’ve found it doesn’t work well and isn’t safe, either. So, let’s stick with what medical pros say is best for taking care of our ears.

Avoiding Regular Ear Check-Ups

Getting the ears checked regularly is very important for older adults. It helps keep an eye on ear health and catch any problems early. Some might skip out on seeing a doctor because it’s too much hassle, or they think losing hearing just comes with getting old.

But sometimes, trouble hearing can be a sign of other health issues. Regular check-ups help spot things like wax buildup, infections, or issues with hearing that need to get sorted out immediately. Plus, doctors can show the right way to clean those ears based on what each person needs.


Keeping ears clean is a big deal for older adults to keep their hearing in tip-top shape and feel good overall. Steer clear of common slip-ups like using cotton swabs too much, brushing off infections, trying out ear candles, or missing regular doctor visits.

By sticking with safe ways to take care of those ears, seniors can make sure they’re keeping them healthy for many more years!

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