What Are the Procedures and Aftercare Required for Veneers?

Are you planning to get yourself into cosmetic dentistry and find a procedure to smile more beautifully? If what you want from the procedure is covering slight damages, irregularity in shape, discoloration, and gaps, then veneers are probably the best procedure to choose from the vast arena of procedures possible in cosmetic dentistry. And if you are confused about where to go for veneers in California, then you have no place better than San Ramon Dental Excellence.

What are veneers made of? How do veneers fit into your teeth?  These questions might have obviously struck you the moment you hear about veneers. Therefore, let us see more into the procedure and aftercare of veneers.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin tooth-shaped and tooth-colored shells that are usually masked on your natural teeth to hide damages, small gaps, and discoloration. They are mostly used to cover up the front row of upper and lower teeth. Veneers are now available on the market in a number of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and composite material. Most veneers not only cover up the damages to your teeth but also protect the affected tooth from all kinds of damages further. Altogether, veneers are a great companion for people with damaged or discolored teeth in the front row itself.

Advantages of Veneers

So, what makes veneers advantageous over other cosmetic dentistry procedures. The advantages of veneers will say more about it:

  • Veneers are fitted with a minimally invasive procedure.
  • You can not only hide the damages to your teeth with veneers. Veneers also help in keeping your teeth healthy and prevent any damages further.
  • Veneers look just like your natural teeth.
  • Stain-resistant.
  • Durable.


Step one- Sometimes, a thin layer of enamel might have to be removed from your teeth surface to accommodate and give enough support to the veneer. However, it is not necessary.

Step two- Now, the impression of your teeth has to be taken to make a veneer in the laboratory accordingly. The color of your natural teeth is also marked for making a veneer that easily blends with your natural teeth.

Step three- After making customized veneers for you in the laboratory, they are bonded to your natural teeth with the help of a strong adhesive.


Veneers don’t actually require much care. However, you should maintain your oral hygiene and keep your teeth clean to improve the longevity of veneers. In addition, you should avoid habits like biting your nails and pen tops and prevent opening the lids using your mouth after veneers are attached to your teeth. Most of all, it would be better if you could avoid very hard food items that would cause damage to veneers.

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