Wedding Workout Timeline for Brides


You have selected a date, optimum wedding venue and bought a beautiful wedding dress. Now, after completing the necessary pre-requisites, it’s time for you to start working on the way you want to look at your wedding. A wedding workout plan should be for 6 months, and you should strictly avoid toiling yourself at the last minute because you don’t want to look exhausted and sick on your wedding day.

Thus, starting ahead of time, planning your diet and workout to enhance strength, flexibility, and skin plays an important role in making you look gorgeous. Thus, in this article, we will mention a perfect 6-month wedding nourishment plan which will make you look beautiful.

  1. Six Months before the Wedding Day

Six months before the wedding day is when you start working out so that you become fit until the wedding day arrives. You begin by blocking out an hour in which you are primarily focused on doing the physical workout. The exercise plan should consist of exercise from both cardio and strength training.

You can segregate the time depending on your preference, such as. 45 minutes HIIT and 15 minutes strength training or 10 minutes Cardio and 50 minutes weight training. The main idea should be to get your body moving. To become fit and good-looking, you must include these three activities in your routine.

  • High-Intensity interval training (HIIT)
  • Pilates
  • 30 minutes of jog, run, or fast walk.

For nutrition, you should focus on eating clean food and strictly withdraw from consuming sugars, soda, and white flour derivatives. Moreover, start consuming plenty of water so that you are hydrated. Furthermore, start consuming B complex, fish oil, amla, biotin, and spirulina as they will nourish your skin cells.

  • Two months before the Wedding Day

The time, two months before the wedding is when you will start feeling highly stressed about the things associated with your wedding. Therefore, you should start keeping yourself stress-free. You should focus on continuing with your full-body cardio and strength training. Moreover, you should add a section in your workout where you perform activities you like, such as dancing, swimming, singing, etc. These activities will keep your mind fresh.

In terms of diet, you should continue consuming healthy food. You should avoid eating products made from white flour. Moreover, you should also avoid drinking soda, sugary drinks and alcohol. Focus on drinking antioxidant-rich juices frequently and continue taking multi-vitamin supplements.

  • One Month before the Wedding Day

Just a month left in your wedding! Continue performing the activities you have been doing for the past five months. But now, the main focus should be on reducing stress, and for that, you can either do the activities you like to do or start kickboxing as it reduces stress levels. Moreover, don’t overdo things as there are chances of injuries.

Also, continue with your clean diet and strictly say no to alcohol and processed foods because they create bloating in your body. Moreover, if you want more brainpower, start eating eggs, salmon and if you need more strength, start eating red meat. Balance your diet by eating plant-based foods to reduce inflammation in the stomach.

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