Obsessive compulsive disorder is a common condition that can be chronic in which recurring sensations and compulsions can occur uncontrollably. It can be that feeling to do something over and over, unwillingly, like you are powerless over your behaviors. However, many people have repetitive behaviors that are normal, as they repeat sometimes. There is, therefore, needed to understand OCD to avoid misunderstandings that can prevent you from getting help when you need it.
When a particular thought or a compulsive behavior becomes so consuming that it affects your daily life, it may indicate a problem. If not properly diagnosed, you can go for a long time without noticing the disorder, and the effects can be great. A highly skilled team at Thriving Center of Psychology helps diagnose OCD in New York and develops the best OCD treatment plan to avoid such cases.
Indicators of OCD
OCD can be identified from exaggerated concerns and worries (obsessions) or repetitive actions (compulsions). Obsessions that can indicate OCD includes the following:
· Fear of physical harm, including the fear of death, may come with an excessive feeling of protecting yourself
· Intrusive thoughts about violence, sex, accidents, among other issues
· Excess perfectionist
· Excessive religious or moral concerns
Compulsions common with OCD include excessive cleaning, repetitive routine activities, application of rigid rules, moving in a particular way, repeating words mentally, and developing an urge to confess.
Unveiling the Causes of OCD
The cause of OCD is not well understood, but some theories have been used to explain what can result in the disorder. It can be hereditary and, therefore, can be inherited from a parent or other ancestor. Abnormalities in the brain’s chemical and structural functionality can also result in OCD, while distorted beliefs can reinforce and maintain the symptoms. Compulsions can also be learned and become repetitive when associated with relief pleasure and can become a habit.
How to deal with OCD
OCD diagnosis may include blood tests and a physical examination to clear up any underlying condition that can cause the symptoms. Your provider can also discuss your thoughts, feelings, and habits with you. This helps in customization of the treatment plan according to your needs.
Several treatments can be used to improve the symptoms of this disorder. They include psychological treatments, medications, support groups, and education, and anxiety management techniques. Treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy can disrupt your destructive thinking patterns, helping reduce OCD thoughts. For a stressful OCD, relaxation therapy, including yoga, meditation, or massage, can help.  Combining several therapies can be more effective in helping you get through OCD.
Self-help tips for OCD
Treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be a joint effort where you can help yourself as you seek therapy. There are several ways to control your obsessions and compulsions. They include:
You can refocus your attention to try to delay an urge to do a compulsive behavior.
When you have obsessive thoughts, you can write them down as this can help track their occurrences.
You can try to avoid stress as it triggers and makes some symptoms of OCD worse.
Anticipating the urges as they come can help ease their impact on you. You can carry on with normal activities with extra care to prevent or reduce the recurrence.
To learn more about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, you can book an appointment at Thriving Center of Psychology.