Signs That Your Facelift Treatment Has Gone Wrong

Facelift in Reston is one cosmetic treatment option most patients inquire about in their quest to overcome signs of premature skin aging. However, there are multiple ways that the treatment can go wrong. While removing too much facial skin might leave you with unnatural and tight skin, removing less skin is not a solution to premature skin sagging. Therefore, to avoid such eventualities, you should opt to contact an expert surgeon. Nonetheless, you should not rely on reviews and recommendations. Look for a professional who has credentials and, if possible, visit his practice to witness his past works.    

What are the indications of an unsatisfactory facelift?

A facelift is one of the treatments that will effectively rejuvenate your facial features, turning back your chronological years by eliminating your premature aging signs, including sagging skin, folds, fine lines, and wrinkles. Though rare, sometimes the anesthetic process may go wrong, causing you to get dissatisfied with the treatment. Various obvious signs will make you know that your healthcare provider performed the procedure without so much skill. You will know the surgeon did not handle the treatment with professionalism when you experience the following complications:

  1. Pulled-back and elongated ears

A typical facelift process prompts your surgeon to pull your skin upwards and backward in a similar trajectory with your ears. However, you are likely to experience facial skin tension when your doctor pulls the skin too tightly. Additionally, you might have pulled-back ears that seem elongated when the surgeon cuts off excess skin, making your ears appear fused to your jawline.

  • Visible scarring

Though scarring can be challenging to hide, especially if the treatment is on your face, your surgeon should try to minimize visible scarring as much as he should.

  • Tight skin

While the goal of a facelift is to tighten your skin and make it smooth, pulling your skin too tight may result in pain, making your face feel uncomfortable. 

What should you do when a facelift goes wrong?

Though every medical expert must ensure that an aesthetic treatment is safe and performed to high standards, a lousy facelift might be hard to hide. An unsatisfactory facelift has tremendous effects not only on your self-esteem and confidence but also on your health. The surgery might result in medical complications including:

  • Fluid accumulation in your face
  • Skin discoloration
  • Facial nerve injury
  • Skin necrosis
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Prolonged swelling

The good news is, your surgeon may help you manage the complications with medications, appropriate care, or revision surgery. However, the medical expert can only perform a revision surgery after fully recovering from the procedure (approximately six months after the treatment).

Since a facelift revision is personal and unique, your doctor will need to assess your initial procedure’s results and discuss the possible changes to help you achieve your desired results. Be sure to contact a professional surgeon who has expertise in revision surgery. A professional in the area understands your concerns and the possible complications you might be having. Additionally, the medical expert may know the best treatment options to help resolve your aesthetic problems, leaving you comfortable in your appearance. 

Though rare, sometimes a facelift might go wrong, forcing you to bear undesired aesthetic results. Contact your doctor to know how the treatment might go wrong and how the professional can resolve your situation.   

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