Role Of Nutrition In Maintaining Low Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes has become one of the feastest-spreading diseases worldwide over the past few years. It is a chronic illness that stays throughout the lifetime of a person. When the blood sugar level surpasses its normal threshold then the body breaks down carbohydrates into the bloodstream. That is dangerous and makes a person’s body weak. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 diabetes

There is a difference between both types of diabetes. The body of type 1 diabetics is unable to produce insulin at all which is why they have to depend on external sources of insulin for their bodies. Their bodies are insulin-dependent.

Type 2 diabetes

The body of type 2 diabetics produces some amount of insulin but the system is unable to consume the insulin in the right way so type 2 diabetics are insulin-resistant.


There are several causes of contracting this illness like less physical activity, family history, binge eating junk food, eating a high-calorie diet, poor lifestyle choices, obesity, and much more.


The symptoms of both diabetes vary from person to person and the severity of the disease. People who are young mostly tend to get type 1 diabetes and can control and manage their insulin intake through regular appointments. Young people also tend to have a strong immune system. People over the age of 30 are more prone to type 2 diabetes. They have to keep their blood sugar levels checked all the time.


Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented as mostly genetics are involved. Either a family member or a distant relative may have this illness and may pass it on to the next generation through genes. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyle changes like consuming fibre-rich foods, doing exercise more often, having a nutritious diet. People also opt for medications to treat this disease. Medications like Janumet XR have proved to be sufficient enough for people to maintain their glucose levels. You can get cost savings on Janumet XR by purchasing it from price pro pharmacy which sells medicines at discounted prices.

Role of nutrition in keeping the blood sugar level low

Studies have shown that long before insulin was discovered, diabetics were recommended to eat a low-carb diet to keep their blood sugar levels low. Nutrition plays a key role in keeping blood sugar levels low. Consuming a fibre-rich diet with barley, jute, wheat and whole grains can lead to a healthy body mass. Some of the best foods to eat are:

  • Berries

Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries are the fruits that can be consumed in balanced proportions to keep the glucose levels at a normal rate.

  • Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, brinjal, beetroot, carrots and bitter gourd are some of the important sources of fewer carbs nutrition. Consuming them on a regular basis along with some fruits can help manage diabetes for a long time.

  • Nuts

Hazelnut and peanut are comprised of low carbohydrates making them an excellent source of low card diet for diabetics.

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