Independent medical evaluations (IME) are comprehensive results provided by a doctor who is not involved in treating a patient and evaluating the patient’s treatment and current condition.
IME is conducted in the context of legal proceedings such as medical claims to insurance companies or disability claims. An independent medical evaluation in Pittsburgh, PA is used to provide an opinion on the case that may lead to proper diagnosis and treatment of an injured or ill person.
The companies need an IME with a pristine reputation in the industry and communicate with all parties about the examination and search for the information to help parties get unbiased results.
Roles of independent medical evaluation specialists:
- IME resolves the dispute questions or concerns regarding the treatment and condition of the patient.
- They provide opinions for preventing the obstruction which occurs during the case.
- IME provides the patient with a proper diagnosis and treatment plan
- They also help uncover the missed or inappropriate diagnosis and help plan to obtain the new treatment plan, which benefits the patient for quick recovery.
- They help in the prevention of inappropriate treatment and wrong diagnoses.
- They determine the nature of a personal or work-related injury.
- They clarify the doubt of the patients related to the diagnosis associated with the case.
- They offer treatment recommendations if the patient has requested them.
- IME evaluates and determines whether the patient has obtained the maximum benefits from treatment.
- IME gives an unbiased decision to the patient and the insurance company about the cost or claim for the injury.
- IME helps provide the claim to the disabled or have the impairment, which lasts for a minimum of one year.
- IME will prepare and obtain the medical reports from the physician and provide them to the client safely and securely.
- They restrict the client’s ability to perform daily activities at home or work.
What happens during and after IME?
The patient who made a claim will receive a notification from the insurance company about who will conduct the IME, date, time, and place of the examination.
The purpose of IME is for the insurance company to collect information from a specialist to conclude whether to fulfill the claim or not.
The person is asked for the X-ray, CT scan, or blood test, which helps IME in providing correct treatment and claim to the patient.
After IME, the doctor will write a result of their conclusion or opinion in response to the disputed issues raised by the insurance company. The report given by the IME contains information about the patient’s health, cause of injury, and the beneficial outcomes.