Quick Guide About Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

This is an equipment that acts as a protective shield against safety risks or health when you are exposed. The Personal Protective Equipment contains several items such as safety harness, safety footwear, high-visibility clothing, eye protection, gloves, safety helmets, etc. Sometimes it also contains Respiratory Protective equipment.

Personal Protective Equipment is very essential to safeguard the employees, patients who are confirmed of Covid-19, Health care Personnel, or potential patients, or anyone who is at risk.

How to put on PPE Gear

Healthcare facilities always provide training and with practice, you can master how to don yourself with the PPE gear. Putting on and off the PPE gear should be well monitored by any senior member of the healthcare unless you become an expert in it. The following steps should be followed while putting on the PPE Gear:

  • The essential inclusions and items of the PPE should be gathered together in the changing room. Also before opening the PPE kit ensure that the size of the gown is as per your requirement.
  • Put on the scrub suit before putting on the PPE gear
  • Use hand sanitizer to sanitize the hand properly.
  • The very first thing is you should put the rubber boots. If the boots are not available then wear closed and fluid resistant shoes and ensure they are punctured. Overshoes can be worn on it
  • Then put on the isolation gown. All the ties on the gown should be properly tied and fitted.
  • After this wear the N95 filtering facepiece respirator. If an approved one is not available then you can also use a facemask. Normally the respirator or the facemask has a nosepiece. Fit the nosepiece properly on the nose using both the hands. Do not bent, tent, or pinch the nosepiece. The respirator or the facemask should be put up in such a way that it covers the chin as well. The nose and the mouth should be properly covered to protect yourself. The following measures should be followed for wearing:
  • Respirator

The top strap should be tied on the crown of the head while the bottom strap should be tied on the neck base. The sealing check should be conducted every single time.

  • Facemask

The ties of the facemask should be tightly tied at the crown of the head and the base of the neck respectively. Facemask having loops can be put around the ears.

  • Goggles or face shields can be used for the protection of eyes and other parts of the face. While wearing the same see to it that the position of the eye protection should not be hampered by the respirator. Also, The eye protector does not have an impact on the seal of the respirator. Face shields are preferred on goggles, as goggles have a problem of fogging.
  • Cover the head also with the headcover if available.
  • A waterproof apron can also be used instead of an impermeable gown if not available.
  • Once all this is done sanitize your hand again with the hand sanitizer
  • The last step is to put on the gloves and cover the cuff of the gown

Extra care while putting on the PPE

  • While putting on the PPE it should be untouched as possible and should not try to adjust it again and again
  • The gloves should not be used if they are damaged or torn
  • While checking the patients’ new gloves should be used for every new patient
  • Before wearing new gloves hand hygiene should be performed every time.


Wearing the PPE gear is essential when you are getting exposed to any virus. But also the PPE gear should be discarded properly after the use. Otherwise, it can have an impact on the environment around

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