Personalized Dental Care With Tooth Extractions Specialists In California

If you require a tooth extraction, the services of Kaveh Kanani, DDS at Around The Corner Dental Health Spa in California are less traumatic and far more comfortable than a conventional tooth extraction. Dr. Kanani uses innovative techniques to perform tooth removal to ensure patients experience minimal pain and enjoy faster recovery than traditional extraction surgery. Dr. Kanani is currently welcoming new patients to the practice. To learn more about Around The Corner Dental Health Spa, schedule a consultation with the Tarzana tooth extractions specialist through mobile or book online.

Who Is The Right Candidate For A Tooth Extraction?

Dr. Kanani may recommend a tooth extraction if your teeth are extensively decayed or damaged, such that they cannot be saved. If possible, he will try to keep your natural tooth. Unfortunately, there are times you may not have enough remaining healthy teeth to restore with a filling or crown.

You might also require a tooth extraction if your jawbone is not strong enough to support your entire set of adult teeth. Moreover, tooth extractions come in handy when one wishes to remove impacted teeth that are growing abnormally. 

What Happens Before A Tooth Extraction?

Before an extraction, Dr. Kanani will conduct a comprehensive exam and cross-check your medical history to ensure there are no health issues which may impact tooth removal. Dr. Kanani will also discuss with his patients which medications to avoid before the procedure.

After reviewing your condition using X-rays, Dr. Kanani determines the type of anesthesia and extraction that is most suitable. While many extractions will only need a local anesthetic, he will administer oral sedation to reduce the anxiousness and discomfort of removing several teeth if necessary.

What To Expect With A Tooth Extraction Procedure?

The form of extraction one requires varies according to your tooth’s condition and root placement. If you have a substantial tooth above your gum, Dr. Kanani might only need to loosen and extract it. In case you have an impacted tooth, or one that’s broken at or below your gum line, oral surgery will be necessary to remove the tooth. To ensure this procedure causes the least tissue injury, Dr. Kanani performs flapless extractions where he does not separate the gum from the bone, nor does he cut the bone to pull out the tooth roots.

Dr. Kanani’s innovative tooth extraction technique ensures one experiences minimal-no discomfort or trauma during the procedure. He also utilizes laser therapy to alleviate swelling, reduce pain, and enhance faster healing and recovery. Following an extraction, you’ll receive some at-home care guidelines. Above all, it is vital to allow the blood clot to form and stay in the empty pocket. Thus, Dr. Kanani advises patients to maintain a soft diet for several days after treatment.

To sum up, Around The Corner Dental Health Spa offers an exceptional patient experience through their safe and effective oral healthcare services. If you require a tooth removal for whatever reason, get in touch with the dental specialists at the practice today through mobile or book online. 

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