Personalized Back Pain Treatment in Red Bank, NJ

Back pain is one of the predominant reasons most people seek therapeutic care and a chief cause of missed workdays.  A significant percentage of these back pain cases progress into chronic pain, which is a severe issue. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry as there is an available and effective treatment to relieve the pain. At Downtown Pain Management, Ron Ben-Meir, DO, FAAPMR, offers individualized Red Bank back pain care treatment. If you suffer from back pain, call or book an appointment online today to get started.

What Exactly Is Back Pain?

Back pain varies between individuals in type and severity from a dull ache to sudden, sharp pain. You can notice the back pain immediately, such as when lifting something heavy or after an accident. Low back pain is a common effect, but you might also experience discomfort in the upper or mid-back. Most back pain gets relieved in some weeks of self-treatment methods like over-the-counter drugs and stretching workouts. If back pain is stubborn or severe, Dr. Ben-Meir can help.

What Are The Common Sources Of Back Pain?

Various issues may cause back pain. To start with, strained muscles can result in back pain in many people because of heavy lifting or overuse injuries. More so, an acute injury like lousy falls, car accidents, or even aging, you have an increased likelihood of experiencing lower back pain due to degenerative changes such as osteoarthritis. Other causes include; injuries, arthritis, herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, spinal cord narrowing, bone spurs, pinched nerve, compressed nerves, or compression fracture resulting from osteoporosis.

How Is Back Pain Diagnosed?

For back pain diagnosis, the doctor analyses your medical history and performs a physical exam.  At Downtown Pain Management, Dr. Ben-Meir will ask you about your back pain, including how it began and what makes it worsen or get better. He might also recommend you to undertake various tests, including electromyography, nerve conduction studies, and musculoskeletal ultrasound to check your bone structure and soft tissues.

What Are The Available Back Pain Treatments?

There are various treatment options to treat your back pain without the use of invasive surgery. Dr. Ben-Meir specializes in integrative pain management at Downtown Pain Management. Depending on your medical history, underlying cause, and symptoms severity, he uses the right type of treatment targeting the cause of your back pain. The available interventional treatment types include; physical therapy, spinal cord stimulation, radiofrequency ablation, selected nerve root injections, noninvasive and minimally invasive procedures, nerve block therapies, facet joint injections, and epidural steroid injections.

To sum up, back pains can be painful; hence needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Dr. Ben-Meir uses his experience and expertise to come up with an appropriate plan depending on the primary cause to relieve your back pain and enable you to get back to your normal life. If you have distress because of a back pain condition in and around Red Bank, make the proper choice by contacting Downtown Pain Management. Call the office or schedule an appointment with them today for effective and long-lasting back pain relief.

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