Panoxyl For Acne Advice : How Breakouts & Purging Differ

If you’re a PanOxyl for acne user, then you’ll most likely be clued up on what does and doesn’t give you breakout problems. You have almost certainly heard of the term ‘breakouts’, but did you know that your skin also purges? Sounds slightly unpleasant, admittedly, but it is something that your skin does and here we’ll be trying to shed some light on the subject. 

So, what on earth is skin purging?

Well, when a person starts a new kind of skincare routine, the products chosen are designed to replace one skin state with another. We’re essentially trying to purge out the old and introduce a newer, brighter-looking you. 

During the process, you’re trying to rid the epidermis of excess sebum, dead skin and you might even cause a breakout or two. So, as these toxins work their way out of the skin, you can end up having whiteheads that need to be cleaned away and controlled with PanOxyl for acne

This might seem like a bad thing to happen, but it’s actually good, because it means your new cleaning routine is working. The question is, how are you supposed to tell the difference between breakouts and and purges?

Spotting the Difference (Pardon the Pun) 

We’ll make no apologies for that pun, but what we tell you is that before you reach for your PanOxyl, wait. Think to yourself, what have you just introduced into your daily routine? Have they caused purging to occur? Or have you used something that’s not non-comedogenic?

If you’re not sure about whether the deep cleaning process is to blame or not, then it’s vital to look at ingredient tables. Perhaps take away that product and see if it clears up? Maybe even introduce things more slowly? A patch test isn’t a bad idea either. 

One way to tell whether it’s purging or acne is the duration, as purging will usually take no more than 30 days or so to clear up. Acne, however, will keep on going for much longer. If it gets severe or just won’t seem to go, it’s likely not to be purging. 

Purging Can Happen When Using PanOxyl Acne Wash 

Due to the fact that benzoyl peroxide penetrates deep into the pores, it gives the skin a thorough cleanse. This deep cleaning of the pores flushes out all the nasties, but there’s only so much of it to come out – hence the duration signifying breakouts or not.

However, once the purging has completed, your skin will typically look refreshed, vibrant and more youthful. The day to day pollution, weather damage and dead skin build up is removed for cleaner, healthier skin.

Don’t Worry, It’s Totally Normally

After all that work, cleaning your skin, it can be a little disappointing to then see spots break out again, but do not despair. It’s completely normal and it’s just a matter of waiting for it to end. If it goes on for longer than 30 days, then reconsider. If it gets really bad, it’s not likely to be a purge, so talk to your dermatologist.

So, if you start using PanOxyl acne wash and this happens to you, just bear with it as the results are very much worth waiting for. 

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