Medical Masks During a Pandemic: Main Care Rules

Have you ever thought that a public transportation trip resembles shots from an apocalyptic film in which everyone wears masks and gloves even in summer, has antiseptics, and looks suspiciously at those who start suddenly coughing? Well, unfortunately, it is now a movie but a reality during a pandemic. And if earlier, you were afraid to forget your smartphone or a purse at home, now they have been replaced by one small thing – a medical mask. At first, in the first weeks of the pandemic, they recommended wearing masks only to people with ARVI symptoms, health workers, and those who care for the patients at home since the effectiveness of regular use of masks by healthy people for preventive purposes hadn’t been confirmed.

However, the emergence of new scientific research and the fact that the new type of coronavirus only continued to gain strength every month forced the authorities to reconsider their views. Thus, medical masks have become an integral part and the main “accessory” of any outfit. for more check Primo Dental Products.

How to wear such type of protection?

If you are either a healthcare worker or have ARVI symptoms, or you are over 60, you should necessarily put on a medical mask. And if you are a student and don’t feel well, it is worth turning to found Essay Pro to be a great resource to eliminate worries and have more time for recovery. Masks of this type are made from about three layers of synthetic fabric. They are produced in different thicknesses and differ in the level of moisture resistance. This mask provides two levels of filtering. If you decide to put on the mask, follow the next steps.

  • You should apply the required amount of sanitizer or wash your hands with soap before proceeding to put it on. And don’t forget to check it for integrity and the absence of any signs of damage.
  • Define the upper edge of the mask (usually a flexible metal strip is placed on it) and the inner surface (usually, it is of white color).
  • Put on the mask so that it covers your nose, mouth, and chin, leaving no wide space between the face and the mask. The metal strip must be pressed against the face so that it follows the shape of the nose.
  • Don’t touch it while wearing it to avoid infection. If you did it accidentally, use sanitizer.
  • If you want to put off the mask, do it by holding the elastic bands behind the ears or on the head’s back and not touching its front part (before the procedure, of course, do not forget to use sanitizer).

Bear in mind that you can use this type of protection only once, so it is worth throwing it away, preferably in a bin with a lid. Wearing it for some time, you need to watch its condition: if it is dirty or damp, you should replace it.

How to take care of a fabric mask?

If you are going to reuse your dry and clean mask, prepare a separate plastic bag for it. When you need it, you should take it out of the bag by the ties. You can wash them with soap or another detergent in extremely hot water every time after usage. Besides, you can wash your mask in cold water and then boil it for a minute or soak in a 0.1% solution of bleach (also for a minute), and then rinse thoroughly. You should carefully wash off all bleach since it is toxic. And yes, a fabric mask (as well as all other types) must be strictly individual.

What to do if it is hard to wear it?

The mask is effective only under certain conditions, but this does not mean that you should leave it at home and don’t wear it at all. Many people complain that they don’t want to put it on just because it is uncomfortable to wear it. Yes, it happens that it is difficult, if not impossible, to breathe in a mask. Well, don’t comfort yourself that it is better without it, and you will not get sick. While custom writing services can help you deal with your assignments, a mask will protect you from unwanted contagion.

Know that it is a common problem

Since a mask covers the face from the flow of fresh air, it increases the temperature, especially in the neck area. It can result in excessive sweating, so you may feel a strong thirst. You should drink pure water to avoid unpleasant feelings in your throat. Many doctors believe that even homemade fabric masks can protect 80% of the population if they wear them regularly.

Choose breathable materials

If you are not ready to use medical masks according to rules and throw them away right after the usage, it is worth purchasing or making a fabric mask. Just make sure to use some natural materials. Some people wear polyester masks, but the thing is that synthetic materials are less permeable to air and moisture, so you may face problems with facial sweating.

Take a mask of the right size

 It should fit snugly and cover the area from the nose to the chin. However, you should breathe freely in it. To do it, pay attention to the mask with ties. Thus, you will be able to adjust the size at any time. Remember, it is worth doing this before you go outside so as not to get infected. A mask that is too tight can cause serious breathing problems, especially in warm weather.

Take extra masks with you

Even cotton masks absorb sweat over time and become uncomfortable to use. If you plan to wear them for a long time, pick up a few spare masks, which you can change every 1,5-2 hours. Don’t forget to wash in hot water, dry, iron, put into an impenetrable case so that they do not come into contact with other objects later. When changing it, take a separate bag for it, and use sanitizer before using a new one.

If you cannot replace the mask, do not use it for too long

In open spaces where social distancing guidelines are well followed, they may not be needed. If it is impossible to change the mask, choose short routes so that the total walking time is no more than two hours. You can also use the item less often if you start riding your personal transportation means, such as a bicycle or scooter.

Take care of your skin

Even if you choose a mask that allows you to breathe easily, protection can damage the skin. It creates a greenhouse effect, clogs the pore, and leads to irritation or acne. Not to worsen the face’s condition, do not do makeup, while wearing a mask, wash your face with cleansers before and after using it. Particular attention should be paid to moisturizing. Use light products, for example, based on aloe gel. Thick creams are best left for nourishing other areas of the skin.

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