Improving Your Digestion Process and Quality of Life by Treating Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can affect your quality of life to the point of avoiding certain foods because of the pain and discomfort they are likely to cause. You may have already started taking medications to ease your acid reflux episodes, but those meds will only treat the symptoms. Therefore, it would be best if you saw a Lima acid reflux specialist get to the root cause of the problem and save you the baggage of taking more drugs than your body can handle. So, if you have narrowed your choice to GI Physicians Inc., here are vital things you need to know about acid reflux.

What does acid reflux feel like?

Suppose you have just had your meal, then your chest and throat start experiencing burning sensations. In that case, you could be having acid reflux. Ideally, hydrochloric acid in your stomach aids in the digestion process. The acid is supposed to stay in the stomach, not go back into your esophagus. If it does, it means your valve or sphincter muscles have failed to contain the acid in your stomach, compromising your esophagus’ ability to work effectively.

Since the esophagus consists of soft tissues that cannot withstand the cruelty of acid from the stomach, you may start feeling like your chest and throat are on fire. You may also have trouble swallowing more food as your throat feels like something is stuck in there. In addition, you could develop an acidic taste in your mouth, affecting your sense of taste.

Signs that it is time to see an acid reflux doctor

Getting heartburn once in a while does not warrant a doctor’s visit. Perhaps it was due to the type of food you ate, such as spicy or acidic foods. But when the burning sensation lasts more than a week or takes antacids more than thrice a week, it is time to see a doctor.

Other symptoms that need an acid doctor’s intervention include dental problems, respiratory attacks, stomach ulcers, or persistent coughing as soon as you wake up. Even though there are treatments for acid reflux, you are better off knowing the cause and seeking effective treatment.

The first thing acid reflux does to address your symptoms is recommending lifestyle changes. If your weight is the culprit, they may ask you to lose a few pounds. Smokers will be asked to quit. If all these interventions fail, your doctor may recommend you go for surgery to repair your sphincter. Surgery is the last resort to treating acid reflux when all other treatment options have become futile.

Schedule a consultation with an acid reflux doctor today

Any condition that affects your digestion process deserves a comprehensive treatment plan before compromising your quality of life. Acid reflux may seem harmless in the first few days, but it can still affect your daily life to the point of avoiding meals altogether. When you starve yourself, you deny your body the essential nutrients it deserves, paving the way for complications in the future. To learn more about tips for preventing acid reflux, schedule a consultation with your doctor today.

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