How to Navigate Menopause and Andropause Like a Boss

Hormonal imbalance is associated with unpleasant symptoms like fatigue, pain, depression, and sexual dysfunction. To regain your holistic well-being, consider treatment procedures like hormone therapy. If you are around Utah, book an appointment at Integrative Medica to regulate your hormone levels through a fully personalized therapy.

What is Hormone Therapy?

If your body isn’t producing enough hormones, hormone replacement therapy is administered to supplement the hormones to regain your life’s quality. In addition, hormone therapy is best for eliminating and lessening unpleasant symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances.

Bioidentical hormone therapy restores female and male reproductive hormones. At Integrative Medica, bioidentical hormone therapy is introduced into your body as an implant. Dr. Schmutz inserts the pellet into the fatty layer beneath your skin in your upper buttocks. The pellet is designed to release hormones that are absorbed into your bloodstream gradually.

What are Bioidentical Hormones

Dr. Schmutz takes time to educate you about bioidentical hormone therapy during your initial appointment. Bioidentical hormone therapy involves hormones with a similar molecular structure to the ones produced by your body.

Some therapies include hormones extracted from horse urine or produced in the lab. The hormones are also extracted from natural plant compounds like wild yams. Bioidentical hormones have proved to be more natural and safer than traditional synthetic hormones. Irrespective of the extraction point, the hormones function like natural hormones.

At Integrative Medica, Dr. Schmutz uses the results from your simple blood test to evaluate hormone levels. Considering the reproductive hormone levels, bioidentical hormones you have taken, and hormones your body makes allows Dr. Schmutz to determine the best approach.

Causes of Hormone Imbalance

Hormone imbalance is related to various causes within and beyond your control. Major factors include age, diseases, medication, and other factors highlighted below.

Most women report hormone imbalance after reaching menopause. Beyond menopause, the production of female reproductive hormones declines. As a result, you may suffer symptoms like vaginal dryness, hot flushes, low libido, fatigue, depression, brain fog, and headaches.

Men are more vulnerable to hormone imbalance when going through andropause. A decline in the production of male reproductive hormones is associated with symptoms like headaches, depression, fatigue, brain fog, low libido, and sexual dysfunction.

Hormone therapy doesn’t deliver the most satisfying results for everyone. Dr. Schmutz conducts an in-depth consultation to determine your eligibility for hormone therapy to minimize your vulnerability to common side effects. Your treatment is fully personalized to relieve symptoms of menopause and regain your life’s quality.

Advantages of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Top advantages of bioidentical hormone therapy include:

·       Symptom relief

·       Improved cardiovascular health

·       Increased bone density

·       Protection from osteoporosis, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease

·       Protective qualities for uterine, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer

Unlike conventional creams, gels, and injections, the pellets consistently maintain individualized hormone levels for months. For men, the bioidentical pellets deliver the desired result within four to five months and three to four months in women.

Bioidentical hormone pellets are best for relieving symptoms of menopause and andropause. Other benefits include better sleep quality, sexual performance, higher libido, and bone density.

Bottom Line

Hormone imbalances deter you from living your best life in andropause and menopause. Book an appointment at Integrative Medica for certified results of bioidentical hormone therapy.

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