How to Improve Indoor Air Quality: A Detailed Guide

Did you know that some pollen allergies can be life-threatening to asthmatics? There are numerous biological and chemical indoor pollutants. If you want to improve your indoor air quality, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over how to improve indoor air quality at home.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

Try to Control Humidity Levels

Depending on where you live, you’ll end up noticing a change in the humidity levels.

If the air is damp in your home, mold could grow more easily. Mold is one of the top indoor air irritants.

Use a portable dehumidifier in your home to control the humidity. This is an inexpensive option. The mobile units are a little noisy, and you have to empty the basins often.

Look into getting a whole-home dehumidifier installed into your current HVAC system.

The dehumidifier will work in the background to keep the humidity levels even. You won’t have to worry about emptying the basin.

Clean the Bathroom Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans in the bathrooms at home will remove moisture. When there isn’t a lot of moisture in a bathroom, mildew and mold are less likely to grow.

Over time, the fans will get clogged with dust, and they don’t operate well. Spend time cleaning the exhaust fans. Remove the cover of the fan and vacuum up the dust.

Replace the exhaust fan with a higher-quality model. Do this if you notice the current model doesn’t clear out moisture fast.

Use a Whole-House Air Purification System

HVAC systems can sometimes cause poor indoor air quality. This occurs if mold gets inside the system’s ducts or if the ducts become dirty over time.

Yet, your HVAC system can also improve the air quality. You can add a whole-home air purifier to the system.

A whole-home air purifier will reduce pollen, animal dander, and dust. When you reduce airborne irritants, you’ll lower the number of allergic reactions.

The system will also kill mold, viruses, and bacteria. These pesky things can become health hazards for your family.

It can also reduce chemical emissions and odors. You’ll have fresher air in your home.

Whole-home air purifiers aren’t super expensive. Experience health benefits by using one of these purifiers in your home.

You could also check out ScentAir. This product can eliminate 99.8% of airborne pathogens.

Clean the Filters in Your Home

Make sure you clean your current HVAC system often. If you don’t change the air filters frequently, make sure you add this to your maintenance list. Consider buying higher-quality filters.

You don’t want to forget about changing other air filters around your house. Have you changed the vacuum cleaner bag? Use HEPA quality bags. You’ll cut down on particulate and dust distribution.

Change portable air purifier filters and other devices. Add a reminder to your phone when you should change the filters, so you don’t forget.

Don’t Forget About Cleaning the HVAC Ducts

A significant source of indoor pollutants is from your HVAC ducts. The ducts can hold dust, rodent droppings, dirt, and mold.

Do you live in an older house? Think about how long your ducts have held onto these different airborne pollutants.

Make sure your ducts get professionally cleaned and inspected often. Cleaning the ducts will reduce the pollutants.

Clean HVAC ducts end up distributing air in an efficient manner. Your HVAC system won’t have to work extra hard.

Don’t Forget About Kitchen Ventilation

A kitchen can be a primary source of indoor air pollution.

Do you cook with a gas stove? If so, you might be dealing with high levels of pollutants. Electric range tops still produce particulates and smoke when you cook.

Work hard to improve kitchen ventilation. Use your range hood fan. Don’t turn it on when you have a fire or a smoking pan. Instead, turn it on before you begin cooking.

You could also open a few windows when you cook. Put a fan in the window, so it sucks out the air from the kitchen.

Try using an air purifier. Look for a HEPA-rated air filter to remove the particulates in the kitchen. Use a portable air purifier in your kitchen to keep the air free of pollutants.

Clean Your House Often

If you spend money on new air purifying tools for your home, don’t waste the effort with a messy house. Take time to clean your home frequently.

Dust, pet dander, or chemical residue will settle onto the floor, upholstery, or carpets.

Make sure you sweep and vacuum floors often. When you vacuum, make sure you move furniture so you get all the dust. Don’t forget to vacuum drapes or upholstered furniture in your home.

After you finishing vacuuming or sweeping, you’ll want to mop your floors. Mop with a gentle cleaning solution.

Make a cleaning solution from vinegar and water. Wipe down your furniture and shelving units. Dust will also collect on the windows, crown moldings, and below furniture.

Create a routine for your household cleaning. This way, you can remove some of the pollutants from your house and the air.

Improve Indoor Air Quality With These Tips

We hope this guide on how to get clean air in your home was helpful. Now that you know how to improve indoor air quality change out your filters.

Consider shopping around for a whole-home air purifier or dehumidifier for the summer.

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