How Digital Devices Impact Your Eyes

The digital age has impacted us both positively and negatively. Now we rely on digital devices for almost everything. We all use tablets, laptops, desktops, and mobile devices for a few hours. Even kids are not exceptions. Kids in Singapore and other parts spend a noticeable time on digital devices almost every day. As a result, they experience digital eye strain. Extended exposure to screens can lead to visual fatigue regardless of age. We all can have eye problems while using digital devices.

What Causes Digital Eye Fatigue & Strain

You can have this condition due to excessive digital device usage. The length of duration, the distance from the digital device to your eyes, and devices are some factors. Apart from that, the surrounding light intensity will contribute to such conditions. Here are more details.

Prolonged Screen Time

According to study reports, if you spend more than two hours in front of the screen every day, it will reduce your blink rate per minute. You will blink fewer times, and it will impact your eye health. Blinks maintain the moisture in our eyes. Also, they clear your eyes by removing dust particles. Lower blinks can cause dry eyes. Yes, dryness will lead to eye strain. You should blink around fifteen times every minute. However, the number will decrease by sixty percent while using digital devices.

Using Many Devices Simultaneously

If you use more than one digital device at a time, it might impact adversely. According to a study report, Americans who use two or more digital devices simultaneously experience digital eye strain. This finding causes concern in the developed world. In Singapore, an average adult has a minimum of 3.3 digital devices. Hence, they can experience more eye issues.

Angle & Distance Effect

The angle and distance from digital devices might cause eye strains. A desktop screen will have a horizontal angle. It will keep eyes wide open compared to tablets or smartphones. Both these devices will have a downward viewpoint. The extensive exposure of the front surface might cause evaporation and dry eye. Dryness will lead to fatigue and strain.

The same is about the distance. If you hold any digital device too close to your eyes, it might cause digital eye strain. While viewing any object close to your eyes, you will allow ciliary muscles to contract. If you stare at a digital device for more than two hours a day, the ciliary muscles will shrink more. Hence, you might experience eye strain.

Surrounding Light

In addition to the above factors, the working environment might impact your eyes. Too bright lights can be harsh to your eyes. The constant exposure to those lights might cause eye strain. You can have the same problem while using a digital device in low light conditions. Apart from these, glares from your digital devices might cause eye strain.

We are living in a digital age. Hence, we cannot stop using our digital devices. But we can minimize the usage. Also, we will have to use a suitable digital device and work in a proper environment to reduce the impact of devices on our eyes.

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