Handling Pregnancy

You might be struggling with pregnancy, especially if it is your first time. You might get worried about getting everything right. Pregnancy should not be ignored, and you should be careful throughout this period from conception to delivery to avoid miscarriages and other complications. At some point you might have questions, San Antonio pregnancy specialists who can give you the best guide during your pregnancy. Pregnancy is classified based on three stages of development: the first trimester, the second trimester, and third trimester. Growth and development happen in each stage, and there will also be body changes all along.

First trimester: conception to 14 weeks

Your first trimester would start on the first day of your last period, and it would last until the end of 12 weeks. A lot happens during this period. The fertilized egg divides into layers where it implants to your uterine wall. The embryo grows fast in the first six weeks, and you can hear a heartbeat. By the end of 12 weeks, the baby’s muscles, bones, and all organs of the body are developing.  About this time is when you visit your doctor for the first time. He or she will look for factors that might affect your health and that of the baby. They will need information on your medical history, family, and age, and they could give you a guideline on how to have a healthy pregnancy. The doctors take a physical examination to check blood pressure and other vitals.

Second trimester: 14 weeks to 28 weeks

These are the three months that bring many changes for the fetus and relief from pregnancy symptoms you could have had in the first trimester. The baby continues growing and developing. You are likely to have 2 pounds in your belly, and you are likely to experience changes in your body as well. The baby starts developing the hair, nails, and skin by 22 weeks. It is advisable to eat foods rich with vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for healthy growth. Eating well prevents complications such as high blood pressure and premature birth.

Third trimester: 28 weeks to 40 weeks

Here, the fetus can likely see and hear, the brain continues to develop, and the lungs and kidneys continue to mature. By 38 to 40 weeks, the fetus fully matures, and you can feel the baby moving freely. The symptoms that will occur during the third trimester will be because of the hormonal imbalance, and the baby will be ready for delivery.

When you visit a practitioner, he or she will check your baby’s heartbeat and feel your belly for estimating your baby’s size. An ultrasound is to estimate the baby’s growth and also the levels of amniotic fluids. The practitioner will tell whether the baby is in the head-down position or vice-versa. The urine sample checks any signs of complications characterized by hypertension, urinary tract infection, and other problems.

It is prudent to continue taking care of your baby’s development by eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat forms of proteins, drinking a lot of water, and staying active by walking unless you’re experiencing swelling and pain. Get plenty of rest. Also, avoid strenuous exercise that can injure your stomach; don’t take alcohol, caffeine, or smoked seafood.


During pregnancy, it is important to reduce the rate of workload. For complications such as bleeding anytime or sudden reduction of activity by your baby, and painful contractions, call your doctor immediately.

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