Gum Disease: How to Prevent Infection and the Available Treatment Options

Blood spots are always the first sign of gum infection. The mild stage of gum infection is called gingivitis. During this initial stage, you only have swollen gums. However, when you do not immediately contact your dentist, your condition could worsen and you could be at risk of losing your teeth. Ueno Center Dental Specialists have various dental practices including laser gum surgery and gum grafting. The facility’s team of experts offer their patients personalized care for all their dental worries including:      

Gum Grafting

Gums protect your teeth’ roots from bacteria and plaque consumption and anchor your teeth firmly to your jaw. Unfortunately, severe gum recession exposes your teeth’ roots. Gum recession is a usual dental flaw and it affects up to 12% of adults, though it will go unnoticed until the gradual pull becomes so severe and is in an advanced state.

When your gums recede, they affect your teeth’ health and general body wellness. The exposure also compromises the supporting bone’s health and will result in tooth sensitivity and eventually tooth loss. There are various types of gum grafting and your doctor will discuss the options before he recommends the one that best suits your personal needs. The discomfort after the procedure varies in individuals and your doctor will prescribe pain relievers and advice on how to care for your gums.

Gum Treatments

Gum treatments are the procedures your doctor will recommend to curb gum disease before it advances. Gum diseases are gradual and painless. It might take years to notice you have a problem. Gum disease will make your gums swell and turn red and you will have bleeding gums when you floss or brush. If you fail to contact your doctor in good time, gingivitis will graduate to periodontitis, a destructive stage.

When your gums reach the destructive stage, the fibers and bones supporting your teeth get irreversibly damaged, letting bacteria and plaque penetrate deep into your tissues. However, it is easy to treat when your dentist detects it early.

There are various treatments your doctor will recommend to help you maintain healthy gums. They include:

·         Scaling and root planing

·         Deep cleaning

·         Flap surgery

·         Prescription medications

·         Bone and tissue grafts

Before your dentist determines the best treatment for you, he will review your medical history and evaluate your treatment goals.

Gum Disease

Gum disease will affect your gums and your teeth’ surrounding bones and may range from mild to severe. The bacterial infection will also affect your teeth and therefore, it is crucial to take care of your oral health to prevent tooth loss. During the initial stages of gum disease, you will have bleeding and swollen gums when you brush. When you do not seek medical attention, the condition will move to the advanced stage, where you are likely to lose your teeth.

During the early stages, treatment does not require surgery. Your doctor will deep clean your teeth to remove plaque and smoothen your teeth’ roots to encourage gum reattachment. Your doctor will diagnose the disease’s extent and recommend the best treatment option in an advanced case.

Your gums are an integral part of your mouth and you need to take proper care of them. Contact the experts today for more information on how to care for your gums.

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