Five ways to prevent thyroid cancer?

What exactly is thyroid cancer?

Thyroid is a small gland shaped as butterfly  at the base of your neck just below your Adam’s apple. Thyroid cancer is a disease in which cancer cells also known  as mutations form in the tissues of the thyroid gland. Thyroid cancer develops when cells change or mutate. It’s most commonly found in people in their 30s and those over the age of 60. Women are 2 to 3 times more likely to develop it than men. There are several types thyroid cancers that exist,  some work slowly some aggressively. Most cases thyroid cancer can be cured, that can be  cured with proper treatment.

Types of thyroid cancer:

  • Papillary thyroid cancer
  • Follicular thyroid cancer
  • Ana-plastic thyroid cancer
  • Medullary thyroid cancer
  • And some other rare types

Symptoms of thyroid cancer

It’s difficult to notice the early signs if thyroid cancer  because there are very few symptoms in the beginning , but with time you will notice these signs that will indicate the presence of thyroid cancer. These symptoms may be caused by thyroid cancer or other thyroid problems such as a goiter .

  • Neck and throat pain
  • Lump in your neck
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Vocal changes
  • Cough

How can you prevent  thyroid cancer?

  • Avoid smoking:

Smoking cigarettes can cause deep impact on your body especially your thyroid as it releases a variety of toxins that can lead to damage in your thyroid ultimately resulting into causing thyroid cancer. Cigarette  releases toxins like thiocyanate which disrupts iodine uptake which can result into blockage of the production of thyroid hormones. Women who smoke are twice at rise to develop thyroid problems, thyroid cancer to be particular. Being a regular smoker puts you at risk of being exposed to thyroid cancer.

  • Keep stock of potassium iodide

KL ( potassium iodide) is a salt of stable iodine. It is a non radioactive iodine that can help block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by thyroid gland, thus protecting the grand from radiation that can perform damage on your thyroid gland such as causing thyroid cancer. That’s why it is important to keep stock of potassium iodide in your family emergency box. When you come in contact in any radioactive plume it is safe to take potassium iodide as a precaution but over taking of them can result into issues. Keeping medicines stocked up can be a real headache, who has the time. PricePro Online Pharmacy can solve this problem. It is just like your regular pharmacy but what makes PricePro online Pharmacy different is they  will deliver your medication to your doorstep.

  • See your doctor regularly

A regular consultation with your doctor not only helps you detect thyroid cancer early. Most people consult doctor when they see any neck lumps or nodules. These  symptoms usually are the reason people will go see a doctor and that will helps detect the presence of thyroid cancer. But in most cases thyroid cancer can be detected early by health professionals during routine checkup. That’s why it’s important to see your doctor regularly to avoid any further damage.

  • Preventive surgery

Preventive surgery are helps after  genetic tests that can help detect if you carry a mutation( an altered gene) that can increase your risk of being infected with thyroid cancer. If you do carry the faulty gene or mutation you can preventive surgery that will result into removal of your thyroid gland before the cancer develops and harms you. This is a great way to prevent thyroid cancer. Detecting the presence of faulty gene can help you avoid thyroid cancer completely.

  • Add selenium in your diet

Selenium is a powerful mineral that is essential for a proper functioning of the human body. It plays a vital role in metabolism and thyroid function. It is an essential mineral that must be added to an individuals diet. This has been scientifically proven that selenium has an ability to reduce DNA damage and destroy already existing cancer cells. If you are getting enough selenium from foods you eat, supplements can help boost your immune system. To get your hands easily and fast on selenium supplements contact to PricePro Online Pharmacy, and revive  medications at your doorstep.

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