Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implant Restorations

A perfect set of teeth is a significant boost to your appearance and self-esteem. However, most of the time, you need professional help to get that perfect smile. It may be due to dental problems such as tooth loss resulting from periodontitis or an injury. Regardless of the cause of your problem, tooth loss alters your appearance and may sometimes affect your productivity in social places. Fortunately, Tomball dental implant restoration can transform your smile and allow you to regain your confidence.

Implants and dental implant restorations

Dental implant restorations are prosthetics used in place of natural teeth following the placement of a dental implant. Unlike implants situated beneath, restorations lie above the gum and mimic the appearance of natural teeth. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium metal and offer space for the attachment of abutments, onto which dental restorations are placed. Implants are placed in the jaw through a surgical process and can take up to six months to fuse with the bone. According to this professional dentist in Leominster, getting dental implants is the most preferable way in replacing missing teeth.The different types of dental restorations include:

Dental crowns

These are caps that mimic the shape, shade, and light-reflecting properties of your natural teeth. They can be used for several reasons, including covering a dental implant, holding parts of a cracked tooth together, and covering a tooth with a large filling. Depending on your dental situation, your specialist may recommend a prosthetic for the entire tooth or onlays and 3/4 crowns if you have remaining tooth structure. They can be made out of metal, porcelain, a mix of metal and porcelain, ceramic, and resin. How long your crown serves you depends on its material type and also personal mouth-related habits such as teeth grinding and clenching.


Dentures are removable, custom-made prosthetics used in place of missing teeth. Dentures may be an option for patients with no teeth or those missing several teeth. Whether some or all your teeth are missing, your specialist may recommend complete or partial dentures. They may feel uncomfortable or awkward during the first weeks or months, especially for people with complete dentures. The thick plastic covering the palate may make it challenging to eat and even speak. If you have dentures, your dentist will require you to observe dental hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing to keep your teeth clean.

Dental bridge

Your specialist may recommend a dental bridge to close the space or gap in your smile if you have one or more missing teeth. Depending on different factors, your specialist may use traditional, cantilever, Maryland, and implant-supported dental bridges. Conventional bridges are the most common ones and require teeth on both ends of the gap. If only one end of your opening has a tooth, a cantilever bridge may be right for you. But if you are after the strength and stability, your doctor may recommend an implant-supported dental bridge.

If you are missing one or several of your teeth due to whichever reasons, consult with your specialist at Russell Family Dentistry to know whether dental implant restorations are an option for you. 

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