Effective Treatments to Help Preserve Your Vision

Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of vision loss. This disorder can occur in one or both eyes, making it difficult for you to enjoy your daily activities. If you are looking for treatment for macular degeneration in San Antonio, there is help at Alamo Eye Care.

What is macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration is an age-related degenerative condition that affects your macula (the central part of the retina), leading to reduced or blurred central vision. It occurs due to the thinning of your macular, leading to a hindrance on your ability to read, drive and carry out your daily activities effectively. Medical specialists recommend that you have regular eye exams to detect eye defects early and preserve your eyesight.  Early diagnosis and treatment of macular degeneration prevent complications and further damage to your eyes.

What are the common types of macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration can affect anyone, and it can occur in one eye or both. The two common forms of macular degeneration:

· Dry macular degeneration

Dry macular degeneration is the most common type of macular degeneration. It occurs when the light-sensitive macular cells disintegrate, leading to gradual loss of your central vision. This disorder usually deteriorates gradually without any pain, making it difficult to detect it until it is advanced.

· Wet macular degeneration

Wet macular degeneration is a chronic eye disease that results in a blind spot in your vision or blurred vision. It occurs when abnormal blood vessels develop under the macula and leak blood or fluids into your macular. Over time, this leakage causes severe damage to your macular, leading to blurry vision.

How can you know if you have macular degeneration?

You may have macular degeneration if you experience the following symptoms:

· Blurry vision

· Lower intensity to bright colors

· Poor night vision

· Distorted vision

· Seeing straight lines as bent

· Difficulty recognizing faces

· Blind spots or blurry spots in your field of vision

· Need bright lights, especially when reading

Dry macular degeneration develops slowly and may not cause noticeable symptoms while in its early stages. On the other hand, wet macular degeneration occurs in attacks, resulting in severe vision loss within a short period.

What factors can increase your risk of developing macular degeneration?

Factors that increase your chances of developing macular degeneration include:

· Being Caucasian\Smoking

· Being above 60 years

· Obesity

· Family history of macular degeneration

· Heart disease

· High blood pressure

What are the available treatment options for macular degeneration?

There is no known cure for macular degeneration, but the professional team at Alamo Eye Care can recommend several treatments to prevent further deterioration of the disorder.

· Vitamin supplements

Your provider may recommend minerals and antioxidant vitamins to slow down the progression of macular degeneration.

· Lifestyle changes

Your doctor may help you adjust your lifestyle habits by recommending healthy foods, regular exercise, and advising you against unhealthy habits like smoking. These changes can help you reduce vision loss.

· Low vision rehabilitation

The team at Alamo Eye Care may refer you to a low vision rehabilitation specialist to help you adapt to the changes in your vision.

For more information about macular degeneration, call the Alamo Eye Care office or book your spot online.

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