Drink up: 5 Undeniable Benefits Homemade Kefir

Believed to have originated in the Caucasus, kefir is a fermented milk drink whose history stretches back thousands of years.

The popularity of kefir has risen along with other probiotic superfoods like kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut.

While you can buy kefir in grocery stores, it’s an easy and healthy drink to make for yourself at home.

Let’s check out five benefits of homemade kefir.

1. It’s Great For Your Gut Health

With more than thirty strains of yeasts and bacteria, kefir has strong probiotic properties. This means that it can help support your gut health and improve your digestive system.

It’s important for your gut to have a balance of friendly bacteria. In helping you restore this balance, probiotic drinks like kefir are believed to help alleviate a long list of digestive problems such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and certain forms of ulcers.

2. It Helps Promote Strong Bones

A major health issue in Western nations is osteoporosis. This is when one’s bone tissue deteriorates.

When you drink full-fat homemade milk kefir, you’re not only getting calcium but also the vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 plays an important part in metabolizing calcium.

3. It’s a More Powerful Probiotic Than Yogurt

Maybe you’ve heard about the probiotic benefits of yogurt. If you’ve been eating yogurt in order to gain these helpful microorganisms, you might want to consider switching to kefir.

One of the benefits of kefir is that it’s a more potent probiotic source than other fermented foods, including yogurt. In addition to homemade milk kefir, it is also popular to use homemade water kefir grains to create a dairy free version of the drink.

4. It Has Antibacterial Properties

Another one of the nutritional benefits of kefir is that it is believed to help protect against infections. Several studies have been conducted that show that certain probiotics and carbohydrates can help to stop the growth of a variety of harmful bacteria.

5. It’s Full of Nutrients

Kefir is chock full of nutrients that support your health. These include protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, riboflavin, magnesium, and vitamin D.

Have you been having gastrointestinal problems that you’re not sure what to do about? You can learn about BPC-157 here.

Homemade Kefir Is a Delicious Drink to Incorporate Into Your Everyday Diet

Kefir is a fun kitchen project to keep you busy at home during the coronavirus pandemic. Not only is it fascinating from a biology perspective, it’s a great addition to your diet! Another one of the benefits of kefir is that it is much lower in lactose than other dairy products, which means that lactose intolerant people are often able to enjoy it’s health benefits, too.

All you have to do is invest in kefir grains once and then you can have kefir for the rest of your life. That’s a pretty good deal!

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