Almost two-thirds of men in America are subject to hair loss by the time they reach 35 years old. Although hair loss can impact your self-esteem negatively, there are various treatment options available. David A. Mayer, MD, and his team at Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Center provide various methods to address men’s hair loss in Hauppauge, New York.
What does men’s hair loss mean?
Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, causes 95 percent of hair loss in men. About 25 percent of men experience visible hair loss by the time they reach 21 years, and this increases as you age. A slight percentage of men also undergo hair loss due to hormonal changes.
While hair loss is perfectly normal in men, without the right treatment it can negatively impact your self-esteem, confidence, and general quality of life. If you are subject to men’s hair loss, do not hesitate to contact the caring specialists at Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Center to get the treatment you deserve to restore your hair.
Causes of Men’s Hair Loss
Male pattern baldness is the most common cause of men’s hair loss. Other elements that can cause men’s hair loss include:
· Severe disease
· Stressful situations
· Reactions to various prescription drugs
Your family history and genetic makeup also contribute to men’s hair loss. If either your relatives or parents were bald or suffered from thinning hair, you are more likely to experience hair loss.
Symptoms of Men’s Hair Loss
Hair loss impacts every person differently, and it appears in different ways, depending on the root causes. The most common indicative symptoms of men’s hair loss include:
· Full-body hair loss
· Unexpected loosening of the hair
· Patchy bald marks
· Round bald spots
· Gradual thinning on the top of your head
You can also experience scaling patches that begin and spread across the outside of your scalp.
How to Diagnose Men’s Hair Loss
To identify men’s hair loss, the specialists at Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Center conduct a physical examination, evaluate your medical history, and discuss your symptoms with you.
If these procedures do not offer adequate information, your provider can also run a pull test, order a series of blood tests, or utilize a special microscope to examine the surface of your scalp.
Men’s Hair Loss Treatment
Treating men’s hair loss depends on the severity of your condition and its underlying causes. If you have mild to moderate hair loss, you may benefit from using prescription drugs such as Propecia and Rogaine. If your hair loss is caused by a nutritional deficit, your doctor may also recommend eating a healthy and more balanced diet.
If these drugs do not enhance the fullness or thickness of your hair, your Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Center provider can recommend hair restoration surgery with the ARTAS iX™ system. This is a state-of-the-art same-day treatment that provides an impressive, natural-looking outcome without leaving any scars.
Do not let men’s hair loss impact your quality of life negatively. Book an appointment at Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Center online or by calling their office numbers today.