8 Commonly-Believed Hair Fall Myths You Need To Stop Believing

“Do you know you are bald because of your mother genes? Hang upside down to make your hair grow longer as it will increase blood flow to your scalp; Air drying your hair is a perfect way to grow your hair” Haven’t we all heard these statements or the other while growing up. It seems like they have been handed down from generation to generation. If you are reading ways on how to prevent hair loss or finding the right tools for hair regrowth, then it is first important to debunk these myths for the sake of your hair health. There are countless tales, myths regarding what causes hair loss and below, we have busted a few of them by getting to the “root” of it. 

  1. Cutting your hair frequently will promote hair growth

Though cutting your hair will get rid of split ends that will change the appearance of your hair to look better, it does not promote hair growth. It is because hair is non-viable tissue that grows at its own speed.

  1. Stress leads to hair fall

A little bit of stress is part and parcel of current times but to cause hair fall is an overexaggerated statement. It requires extreme trauma or stress for temporary hair loss to occur. 

  1. Shampoo your hair with cold water to prevent hair fall

Washing your hair with cold water helps in various aspects of your hair health, such as preventing frizzy hair, stimulating blood circulation, etc., but in no way does it stop hair loss. 

  1. Hair loss only happens after a certain age

It is true that hair loss is common in adults, but it is seen that children as young as 12 years of age also suffer from hair loss. Hair loss is not entirely dependent on age but on various factors such as lifestyle habits, hormonal conditions, genetics, etc.

  1. Men are more prone to hair loss than women

Both men and women suffer from hair loss, but the causes of it may differ. For men, hair thinning starts at the crown area, and for women, it is sparsely spread over the entire scalp, which makes it less apparent. Due to this, signs like receding hairline can be associated with men and women are likely to experience more evenly spread thinning.

  1. Wearing a hat will cause baldness due to poor blood circulation 

This is nothing but a myth. For your cap to cause baldness, it would have to be tight enough to pull your hair from the roots. 

  1. Haircare products can prevent hair loss

There is no connection between using hair care products and less hair fall. For example, if you wear tight hairstyles, smoke a lot, and use a lot of coloring hair products, then no amount of hair care will protect your hair from hair loss. Thus, you need to complement a good diet, right hair care products with modern technology devices meant for your hair, such as laser hair regrowth helmet to give your hair 360-degree nourishment. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor to address the cause of hair loss if it persists. 

  1. Using a conditioner will cause excessive hair fall

Using a conditioner meant for your hair type will ensure your frizzy hair gets detangled easily, which further prevents your hair from falling due to breakage. Though one must note that excessive use may weigh the hair down, but in no way will it stop its growth. 

Hair loss, one of the most common dermatological conditions, happens to each one at a different time interval. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about hair loss. We have debunked some of the aforementioned myths so as to make sure you can plan your hair care regime better with the right information. 

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