Massage therapists are able to help in the assessment of your range of motion and muscle strength, and can even propose a therapy plan for you.
That being said, it’s no secret that getting a massage is a helpful experience, and should feel therapeutic for you before, during, and after. They’re meant to help your body release excess toxins and waste, and taking steps to enhance your experience can do nothing but aid in that process.
Whether you’re new to getting massages or have been receiving them for a long time, here are a few massage etiquette tips that can help take your experience to the next level.
1. Hydrate
Drinking water before and after your massage is crucial to reduce tension and soreness in your muscles and body.
When you get a massage, it’s actually working to get remove toxins and old waste in your muscles. Not only this, but they’re dehydrating for your body.
Kneading the muscles works to move fluids out of the soft tissue and into your circulatory system. From there, it moves to your kidneys, and might even cause you to have to pee after your massage is over.
2. Speak Up
Give your message therapist feedback during and after your massage.
Also, if something doesn’t feel good or is putting you in genuine pain (not the kind you get from a deep tissue massage), you should say something. While massages can be intense, they shouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable.
Pain can cause your muscles to tense up, which makes the entire process harder for both you and the massage therapist.
You should also speak up if you feel hot or cold, have any questions, or forgot to mention a health issue or injury before the appointment.
3. Know That Clothing Amount is Up to You
While most massages are known for having you take off all your clothing, this is actually a common misconception, and you don’t actually have to be naked.
There are services you can find that actually allow you to keep your clothing on, but you can always ask if leaving your undergarments on will get in the way during your massage.
Often, however, you might have to take off your bra so it doesn’t get in the way of your massage therapist’s handiwork. (Remember: you’re going to be laying on your stomach. All they’ll see is your back!)
It’s also normal to have some kind of cloth covering your legs and buttocks until the area needs to be accessed, if at all.
If this is the case, and you’d prefer to keep your underwear on, you can always ask to see if they have disposable ones or wear a thong so that nothing gets in the massage therapist’s way.
4. Clean Yourself Up
Just like you shouldn’t go to a hair appointment with dirty hair… you shouldn’t go to a massage appointment without at least rinsing off first.
If you can’t rinse off or shower, take some wipes with you and deodorant. Sneaking a quick trip to the bathroom is a lot easier than the alternative.
5. Breathe
If you find that you can’t get your body to relax fully, the next best step to take is deep breathing.
Deep belly breaths (directing all the air to your stomach) followed by full exhales help your body relax, which takes your body out of fight or flight mode into rest and digestion. Scientifically, these terms are known as the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Breathing in this way helps to massage internal organs, lower blood pressure, and helps your body eliminate waste and toxins more efficiently. Not only this, but it encourages the diaphragm to move freely, creating space between the ribs and elongating the torso, and strengthening the abdominal muscles.
The relaxation that breathing creates takes the fight out of your system, especially during a deep tissue massage, and helps your body experience less pain.
6. Get Out of Your Head
Getting a massage, especially if it’s your first one, can be a stressful experience. A person you don’t know is going to get very close and personal with you, but it’s important to remember that that’s their job!
Massage therapists are paid professionals and you have no reason to nervous about the experience. It’s your time to relax and have your body feeling great! There’s no sense in getting caught up in the small things when the person you’re working with isn’t even thinking about it.
It’s also OK to ask your massage therapist questions before your appointment. Doing so can help alleviate any stress or anxiety you may be feeling about the process, which is going to make it easier for both of you during the appointment.
At the end of it all, if you’re still not comfortable, it’s perfectly reasonable to find a new massage therapist. Finding the right person is going to help alleviate your stress and anxieties, which is going to help you enjoy your overall experience even more.
Enhance Your Experience While Adhering to Massage Etiquette
Following these tips is sure to enhance your massage experience while ensuring that you can adhere to proper massage etiquette.
Remember, getting a massage is a relaxing experience, and there really is nothing to be nervous about. If you’re still experiencing anxiety, ask your friends or family about their past experiences. Turning to the people you trust is a great way to relieve any jitters!
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