5 Warning Signs of Dehydration

Have you not been feeling well lately and aren’t sure why? You may be suffering from chronic dehydration without even realizing it. It is estimated that about 75% of Americans aren’t drinking the recommended 10 cups of water a day, which can lead to suffering from symptoms of dehydration.

Fortunately, it is easy to recognize the signs of dehydration so you can take steps to alleviate the symptoms fast. Keep reading to learn more so you can start feeling better quickly. 

1. Having Very Dark Urine 

One of the easiest ways to determine if you are dehydrated is by checking your urine. If you have noticed that when you use the bathroom, your urine is a darker color, such as the color of apple juice, then this is a big indication that you need to drink more fluids. If you have not been urinating frequently or hardly at all, this is another common sign of severe dehydration. 

If you have either of these symptoms, it is important that you immediately begin drinking water. Start by taking some small sips so that your body can absorb it properly. If you begin to chug a glass of water, then your kidneys will simply expel the liquid quickly. 

Once you have sipped a glass of water, then you can drink more at your regular rate, until your urine comes more frequently and it is a pale yellow similar to lemonade. If you have stopped urinating entirely, then you should visit a healthcare provider who can treat you before you get worse and do potential long-term harm to your body.

If you are struggling to drink enough fluids regularly, you should invest in a large reusable water bottle that you can bring with you wherever you go. This way, you will have easy access to fluids throughout the day. 

2. Low Elasticity or Dry Skin

Another easy way to tell if you are dehydrated is by checking the elasticity of your skin. To check, pinch the skin on the top of your hand or fingers near the knuckle. If the skin moves back slowly, then this is a sign you are between mild and moderately dehydrated. 

If the skin continues to keep the form of when you pinched it, then you are likely severely dehydrated. This can happen if you have spent the day outdoors in the heat, or doing some strenuous exercising. To rehydrate quickly, besides drinking water, you can also consider coconut water or a rehydrating drink that contains electrolytes. 

If you feel that you are experiencing chronic dehydration, you should check out these benefits of IV hydration therapy. 

3. Confusion or Lightheadedness

Your body and your brain are composed largely of water which means that when you drink enough water, you are capable of allowing them to function better. However, if you aren’t getting enough fluids, then you are increasing your chances of having adverse effects. 

Some of the symptoms of not getting enough fluids during the day can be confusion, memory loss, or lightheadedness. If you are experiencing any of these signs, then you should immediately start sipping on some water. You can also eat foods that are filled with water such as watermelon, cucumbers, grapes, or apples.  

Not only are these types of foods high in water content, but they also have important electrolytes and minerals that will be absorbed into your brain and other tissues. This will help you replenish your body and should help you feel better sooner. If your symptoms are severe, you should also head to the emergency room and seek a healthcare provider. 

4. Rapid Breathing or Heartbeat

When you exercise, you expect to breathe hard and have your heartbeat quickly. What you don’t expect is for them to persist this way after you’ve cooled off and finished your workout. If you feel like you are unable to catch your breath or feel like your heart is beating out of your chest, then your electrolytes might be depleted. 

If you are severely dehydrated and not getting enough electrolytes, then your heart will struggle to pump blood, causing it to work much harder. Your lungs, liver, and kidneys will also begin to fail. If you are experiencing this level of dehydration, you need to drink water with electrolytes or coconut water since it has a high dose of potassium in it.

These types of fluids will help you rehydrate and can also help with cramping and stiffness. 

5. Chills or Fever

A dangerous sign that your body isn’t receiving enough fluids is if you are experiencing the chills or have a fever. Generally, people associate these types of symptoms as a sign of another type of illness but shouldn’t be dismissed as being dehydrated. This is especially true if you have spent any amount of time in the heat. 

If your body isn’t getting enough liquids to create sweat, then your internal thermostat will not be able to function correctly. Your body creates sweat as a way to cool itself off, and if you aren’t sweating, you aren’t hydrated.

If this is the case, then you need to stop whatever activity you are involved in and go to a cooler place, drink some fluids, and run some cold water over your face and place a cold compress on the back of your neck. 

If you’ve replenished your fluids and gone in the shade or indoors, then your internal body temperature should begin to lower. If your temperature doesn’t lower in a short amount of time, then you should seek out a doctor or other healthcare provider quickly. 

Learn More About These Signs of Dehydration and How to Prevent Them!

These are some of the main signs of dehydration. If you are experiencing dark urine, less frequent urination, or your skin is dry or has less elasticity; you should begin sipping on water as soon as you can. 

If you have a headache, confusion, light headedness, shortness of breath, or a rapid heartbeat, these are signs of severe dehydration, and you should immediately begin ingesting fluids. One of the worst signs of dehydration is getting the chills or a fever if this happens to you get to an emergency room as soon as possible. 

If you would like more tips or information regarding your health, be sure to visit our website daily! 

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